Suggest Treatment For Scalp Contusion And Left Shoulder Contusion Along With Pain
Please apply ointment containing muscle relaxant and pain reliever
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing in to us.
I have read through your query in detail.
A CT scan is a detailed investigation and will tell the exact nature of injury. If you got punched in the ear and this led to contusion above and behind the ear then this is still the scalp in technical terms. Therefore the contusion has been termed as a scalp contusion.
The shoulder contusion might also have occurred is it is seen on CT scan and this happened due to the punch to the arm. Muscles in the arm might originate in the shoulder and therefore can get injured.
The pain from such an injury is more after 24 hours following the injury. This is because the injured muscles released certain chemicals and go into spasm. This happens more on the day after the injury and can persist for 3 days.
Taking rest, pain relief pills like hydrocodone ibuprofen and heat pack or ice pack might help. However to get the muscles back to normal, I suggest you gently apply ointment with muscle relaxant and pain reliever to the injured areas. This will soothe the muscles and reduce your pain.
Hope this answers your question. Please feel free to correct any oversight in my interpretation of your problems and discuss them in detail as per your requirements.
Hope your query is answered.
Do write back if you have any doubts.
You might have a concussion injury or mild brain injury
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing back with an update.
I feel you had a bad punch to the ear and it also shook your brain. There is no serious brain injury as your CAT has been done but the possibility of a concussion which mild brain injury is there and that does not show on CAT scan. It can cause headaches, memory problems, brain fog and emotional disturbances and dreams for sometime. This gets better in about few weeks to a month. Please do not worry. Take headache medication only when you have severe headache after having a good meal and in recommended doses
I wish you keep your mind away from the injury and be busy doing things like reading books, listening to music, going for a walk, meeting friends. This will help you forget your injury and recover soon.
Hope your query is answered.
Do write back if you have any doubts.