Suggest Treatment For Seborrheic Keratosis
I am developing "keratosis spots BAD on mt fore head and a rew scatteres on face majotity are clear yet NOTICEABLE make up makes them stand out I am fighting wrinkled like my life depended on it ( I have a long distant relationship with a
very attractive pictures I send do not show BUT we will be meeting soon What can I do? years ago the Dermatologist used to burn them off two times I used the "cream" that litterly burned off the upper layer or more I looked like hamburger or worse the pain was awful, and it took forever to grow skin back there is my hx of that any suggestions? I am not a person of means I barely get buy eating ramen and taking vitamins!
Burning them off with a CO 2 Laser would be ideal
Detailed Answer:
Hello. Thank you for writing to us
I have read your question and I have noted your concern.
Seborrheic keratosis are ideally removed with a minor procedure i.e CO2 Laser. The down time would be about a week or so. Initially the Laser would vaporise those keratosis lesions leaving behind erosions that would scab and fall off within a week as the epidermis re-epithelises.
Topical preparations like 5-flourouracil or Tazarotene gel, one of which you probably used on earlier occasions, may also be used but they are certainly very irritating and might take longer to act and might also have some post inflammatory changes for a certain period of time.
Therefore in my view burning them off with a CO 2 Laser is the best way to get rid of keratosis, with the advantages of a short recovery time of about a week and healing without any complications or only transient post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation which can be easily camouflaged with make up.
Ablative CO 2 Laser Or Electrocautery Or Crytherapy
Detailed Answer:
Thank you. I have gone through your medical history. I consider that either Ablative CO 2 Laser Or Electrocautery Or Crytherapy would be the 3 best options to choose from. Your skin should recover in about 5-7 days following these procedures and I guess the results would none less than miraculous!