Suggest Treatment For Severe Abdominal Pain And Constipation
as explained in details.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
To recapitulate: Female/76 - muscles spasms in lower back - NSAIDs given - started pain in abdomen - constipation not relieved by four enemas and lots of fluids - wonder if bowel obstruction as there was no problem before this problem ..
Bowel obstruction of 5 days will also have other symptoms and signs other than unable to pass motion:
Nausea and vomiting
Gurgling or rumbling sounds in abdomen- borborygmi as we call.
Plain X-ray of the abdomen in standing position will show amount of feces/fecoliths and intestinal obstruction as fluid and gas shadows.
CT scan and other tests if blood, urine and stool after defecation is possible can add on the diagnosis.
If the X-ray shows fecoliths, you need soap-water conventional enema along with stool softeners and laxatives. Continue with good amount of fluids.
NSAIDs are known to give constipation.
Please check for any additional symptoms, consult your Doctor, preferably a General Surgeon for clinical evaluation and examination supported by investigations as mentioned above to get the proper diagnosis and have proper management .
Take further care of muscular spasm of the lower back, apply rebefacient liniment to the sore back. Get an MRI if required.
Please get the things as mentioned to get the proper diagnosis and relief.
Please give feedback and feel free to ask for further relevant queries if you feel that there is a gap of communication.
With regards.