Suggest Treatment For Severe Headache And Vomiting
one possible cause
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
Food poisoning refers to a viral or bacterial infection of the GI tract (stomach and/or intestines) , based on the above symptoms, it is definitely possible though there are other possible causes which may need to be ruled out if the headache is very severe.
IN addition to food poisoning, severe headache with vomiting may indicate other viral infections (flu), head trauma, bacterial infections ( of kidneys, intestines, spine, brain)
This is the reason that you should be assessed if the headache is severe and/or there is no previous history of severe headaches
In the majority of cases of food infections, the infection resolves on its own and treatment mainly involves: (A) using enough fluids to make up for those lost , no solid food till a 4 hour window with no vomiting
When restarting solids, use small amounts of dry foods initially. Increase the amount and the type of food used if this is tolerated
(B)when replacing fluids, use small amounts initially.
If large amounts are used, will cause vomiting
Initially use 1 tsp to 1 tbs every 5 mins for an hour, If tolerated, increase the amount
(C) probiotics may help as well as meds such as dramamine or pepto bismol
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions