Suggest Treatment For Severe Muscle Cramps Along With Pain In Both Sides Of Body
Please tell a few details.
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I am Dr.Ajay Panwar,a neurologist,here to answer your query.
I really feel concerned,while I can palpate the frustrations you have been through years of carrying off with these symptoms.I would surely like to help,but I need to know a few details beforehand-
1)You mentioned 'episodes'.Does the pain or cramps come in episodes?If yes,what is the duration for which each episode lasts?How frequently the episodes recurs?Do you remain completely normal between the episodes?
2)What do you mean by 'lesser one'?What is the difference between a major episode and a lesser one?
3)Do you have any history of tingling,numbness or weakness in extremities?
4)Do you have any history of fasciculations?
5)Regarding head movements-Did not you have them in the past except for these 15 hours?Do they persist in sleep also?Does the head moves in vertical direction or horizontal direction?How did it start?I want to know how did the head movements started and what type of head movements are you having?Do they have any relation with cramps pain episodes or are they distinct?
To summarise it all,please describe in detail,how did the symptoms start and progressed step by step?
Please be in follow-up with above details.Waiting for your follow-up.
Dr.Ajay Panwar,
1. I used the word episodes as opposed to attacks or seizure, not knowing which word to use. The duration is pretty much different depending on the severity. I have gone as long as 2 years without having any, but also have had as many a six in one day. I am totally normal in between without any residual affects at all once the episode has ended.
2. By using the word lesser, I mean an episode that I can control by taking a nitro pill, immediately, and the symptoms subside after 10 minutes or so. The major ones keep building and building, unaffected by the nitro, and I have to go to the ER.
3. No, I do not have a history of tingling, numbness or weakness in my extremities.
4. Need a definition of fasciculations.
5. Some how, from my initial message, you got the impression that the head movements were involuntary. They were not. My head was the only thing I cold move voluntarily.
Summarization: Having had this condition for 25 years I have, with every episode, tried to find a common connection or reason. Diet, emotions, stress and physical activities, etc. I have never found any commonality.
Except for the last two episodes, they have ALWAYS started with a dull sensation, on both left and right sides, slightly above my shoulder blades and about 6 inches on either side of my spine. The last two have started in my chest, both sides again. Initially it feels like a very low voltage shock or numbness and radiates down to my elbows and to about 5 or 6 inches below my breasts. It goes up to my neck, but rarely into my head. My upper arms are totally useless, but my lower arms were never affected except for the last attack. At this point the pain has magnified into yelling and screaming and walking around tying to find a position that lessens the pain or maybe hoping I can walk it off. When the ambulance arrived and they had done their initial assessment, BP, HR, etc., I walked down the stairs, on my own, and laid on their gurney. By the time we had gone only about 3 blocks, they had given me the first morphine shot. No effect. I believe they had given me another before we reached the hospital. By the time we reached the hospital, about 8 minutes maximum, I had also lost movement of my lower body. This is the first time my lower body was effected in any way. I could not help at all when they moved me from the gurney to the bed in the ER. The pain was still a 10. The pain is constant, it does not come and go. I was experiencing nausea, which I had not experienced during previous episodes. The total lack of movement continued through the night and into the next day sometime. I don't recall when the pain subsided or what other, if any, medication I received for the pain or if it went away on its own. On the second day I was able to sit on the edge of the bed and eventually walk with the assistance of a walker and a nurse holding on to a gait belt. I quickly progressed to not having to use the walker or assistance.When I left the hospital, after a four day stay of doing the usual tests, I had neck pain which I had not experienced with the previous episodes and feeling very weak. The following week I had a previously made appointment for a quarterly interrogation of my pace maker. For the time I spent in the hospital, it showed no unusual heart activity. It never has.
Should you desire the transcripts of my experience I will be willing to get them to you or give you permission to obtain them. Again, I feel you will have additional questions and think valuable time could be saved by talking on the phone.
Early morning, after 6 AM, is the best time. Other than that, I am in and out. Thank you
Please upload the documents,supporting the physical examination documents.
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Thanks for being in follow-up.
I appreciate the detailed way,you have presented your clinical history.
What I am able to impress upon from your medical history is a clinical dilemma....It really is.I am saying that because 'the lesser episodes you say, respond to nitro(nitroglycerine)pills making these episodes of cardiac nature or heart related(probable angina pain).On the contrary,the major episodes you described especially the last two episodes caused limbs weakness eventually rendering you unable to walk,which rapidly improved to almost complete strength within a day-appears to be of the neurological origin.Pain can be associated with the neurological etiology as well.
So,the situation here is not ideal to derive a conclusion.Is it possible for you to upload the significant medical documents,supporting the findings of the physical examination noted by the internists,cardiologists and neurologists during the last 2 major episodes as well as the lesser episodes?That would be of great help in making a true interpretation.
Regarding a telephonic conversation or a live chat,I really don't know whether the site administrators allow it.Please talk to the moderators regarding this.They are really good persons and are very cooperative.
Waiting for your follow-up.I would always like to track up your clinical developments.
Dr.Ajay Panwar,
True,the clinical picture is confusing.
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Thanks for being in follow-up.
Of course,as I already said,the clinical picture is confusing.Its a dilemma,neurologic vs cardiac disease.That's why,I need medical documents(as I requested),so as to see the details of physical examination findings during the episodes.That may be of great help.
Actually,with healthcaremagic's policy matters,the doctors can't share their personal contact details with patients.So,instead of fax,please upload the medical documents as scanned images here,as files.There is an option to upload files along with the query.
With moderators,I mean customer care support.You can find customer support details mentioned on the website and contact them via email or phone.
Waiting for your follow-up.Meanwhile,please give a rating and write a review about my responses.
Regards and Thanks
Dr.Ajay Panwar,
Cardiac and neurological nature of the disease is doubtful.....
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Thanks for being in follow-up and uploading documents.
I have gone through all your detailed records.
I may be able to correlate things better if you can answer the following-
1) For how many hours did your urinary retention last?Are you still using catheter for draining urine?Did you have dribbling of urine and bedwetting or cloth-wetting with urine?I mean no control on urine?Describe the urinary problem in detail?
2) In how many hours your lower limbs weakness completely improved?
3) Do you also have sweating,palpitations and anxiety during the chest pain episode?
4) After taking nitro,how many hours your symptoms return back?
With above details,I shall hopefully be able to make a clinical impression. Cardiac and Neurological nature of the disease is doubtful. I would appreciate if you can answer all my questions.
Dr.Ajay Panwar,
2. After 48 hours I could walk independently, but felt unsteady and had some overall weakness for approx. one week. I still have days when I feel extremely weak, but am wondering if that is a side effect of the Nifedipine and magnesium. Use of my upper and lower limbs is back to nearly normal
3. I have never had sweating or palpitations with any of these episodes. The last episode that ended up with hospitalization, I was very worried and dreading what I knew I was going to experience, but I would not call it anxiety.
4. Usually when I take the nitro, the episode will resolve in a very few minutes and does not return. There have been a few time when I would have another episode within 6 or 7 minutes and must repeat the nitro. I have had 2 instances when I had multiple recurrences within approx. one hour. None of these were severe and resolved rather quickly. On one of these, I had 3 occurrences and 6 on the other. In Feb. of 2014 I was hospitalized with a TIA. This was the morning after one of these multiple occurrences and there were no lasting effects from the TIA. This is the only TIA I have ever had.
Sorry for the delay in answering, but we were in an area without internet coverage and returned early to answer you. We have to leave again shortly and will not be returning until late Tuesday or early Wed.
Thank you again for your continued attention. XXXXX
Vasospasm/Panic attacks.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for being in follow-up.Its my pleasure to have you in constant monitoring.
After analysing your medical history and examination documents,I am convinced that these symptoms are not related to cardiology or the neurology domain.
Rather,there are two possibilities here-
1)Psychiatric-a variant of Panic attacks is a possibility(though not fitting classically)
2)Vascular-vasospasm related
Are you observing any benefit with nifedipine?If yes,it goes in favour of vascular etiology.
I suggest you to start taking Tab.clonazepam 0.25 mg twice a day and observe for the improvement in symptoms.I am hopeful for the positive results.
As far as the spinal degenerative changes causing spinal stenosis are concerned,this can't be the cause of these episodic symptoms.So,you are unlikely to derive major benefit in episodic symptoms even after spine surgery.
Regarding urinary complaints,please consult a urologist as 'Prostatic hypertrophy' must be ruled out.That seems to be the likely cause,rather being a neurological cause.
I shall be glad to answer if you have any follow-up questions.
Dr.Ajay Panwar,