Suggest Treatment For Severe Pain In The Chest Area
There are days when I don't experience pain but mostly I do have a feeling like something is squeezing inside.
I have noticed pain intensifies with exercise especially upper body exercise, lack of sleep, when I am stressed and also when I masturbate.
The pain is a hindrance in daily life as it causes much distraction. Also I want to be sure if there isn't a problem that I shouldn't overlook.
Provide more information regarding chest pain.
Detailed Answer:
Hello dear, I really appreciate your concern.
After going through your history regarding chest pain, I would like to ask you whether chest pain is associated with sweating, palpitation, difficulty in breathing or early fatigue/tiredness on exertion. These symptoms are associated with chest pain when the pain is related to heart disease.
Whether you are having any reflux of gastric content after meals, burning sensation in chest, dry cough or hoarseness of voice. These happen in case of Gastro-esophageal reflux disease.
Whether your pain is confined to one area or referred to arm, shoulder or back. In case of muscular or rib fracture pain remains confined to particular area only.
Kindly provide me these information so that I can help you further.
Thank you.
I haven't observed any particular palpitation, sweating or early fatigue signs yet. In fact I jog occasionally and my stamina has gotten better albeit marginally.
I get acidity very occasionally. I haven't noticed any changes in pain after meals or during acidity spells. The pain feels more like squeezing than that of burning sensation. No cough or problems in voice.
When the pain came on for the first time it was spread on my left back touching left side of my neck in addition to the chest area. I got it checked and the doctor put me on a course of pain killers for a few days.. Pain subsided and since then it has remained in the center to left area of my chest whenever it comes on.
Tried my best to provide info that you asked. Awaiting your reply.
Your pain is due to reflux disease.
Detailed Answer:
Hello dear,
From your detailed description, it is sure that your pain is not associated with heart or lung disease. Muscular or fracture pain increases on pressure which is not present in your case.
Your pain aggravate during stressful condition. It is quite common in case of gastro esophageal reflux disease. I advise you to have anti-reflux medicines (rabeprazole plus domperidone) and liquid antacid preparations for relief of symptoms. These may take several days to decrease inflammation of your esophagus.
Along with medication you should follow some instructions:
1) Avoid spicy and oily food. Avoid caffeine, mint, carbonated drinks, alcohol and smoking.
2) Avoid stress by trying some relaxation exercises like yoga and meditation.
3) Reduce weight is you are overweight.
4) Eat your meals 2-3 hours before sleeping.
5) Elevate head end of your bed by keeping blocks.
If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish you good health.
Do you think it's a good idea if I get a detailed test like an MRI done just to be sure?
There is no need and usage of MRI in your case.
Detailed Answer:
Hello dear,
MRI scan is indicated to identify chest wall tumors and infection. CT scan of thorax when lung diseases. In your case there is no need for MRI or CT scan. To rule out cardiac disease, stress (TMT) test is advised which is not required in your case.
You can surely go for X-ray of chest for screening of any lung or chest wall disease. For detailed study of gastro-esophageal reflux, upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopic examination is advised. It will provide the complete picture of disease of esophagus and stomach.
Dr. Manan Patel