Suggest Treatment For Severe Shoulder, Arm And Face Pain
Expert advise is needed.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query I understand your concern.
Your problem seems to be due to neurogenic. Due to pressure on nerve supplying the affected part by faulty sleeping posture or pillow used/ bony pressure on nerve ( at neck by left cervical rib/ at cervical spine due vertebral cause caused by trauma, osteoporosis causing vertebral bone or disc degeneration)/ Diabetes will add to the symptoms..
It can be solved either by correction of sleeping posture/ supplementation of calcium , vitamin D , B 12/ correction of bony or disc pressure & Diabetic control... as per need.
You need to consult an orthopedic doctor for this, After a detailed physical examination he would order for either Xray, CT scan or MRI / serum levels of calcium& vitamin D & come to definite cause. This will be followed by specific management ( Pain medicines, steroids either oral or local/ calcium, vitamin D & B 12 supplements /physiotherapy/ surgery in few patients)
Please don't be stressed. With proper investigations, expert advise & management you would definitely go through the problem.
I hope that answers your query. Any follow up query is welcome.