Suggest Treatment For Sharp Pain At Base Of Neck And Fever

You're welcome---
Detailed Answer:
Good evening.....Not sure what the statement of THANKS is at the beginning....but you're very welcome...whatever it may be. You are suffering with sharp back and neck pains as well as lower back of the skull? More regurgitation or upset stomach prior to what it is now...so it seems to be getting better yousay? You have a low grade fever...but it cannot be quantified? And then, the jaw....
Well, to start out with I would not put the jaw together with any of the other symptoms and so for that you may wish to consult your local dentist or perhaps orthopod to see what if anything that may be...but I am very certain that it has little to nothing to do with the balance of your symptoms.
As far as the pains in the neck and back of the lower skull are concerned you could have an occipital neuralgia caused by irritation of the greater occipital nerve. I think it is highly unlikely to have a meningitis with the symptoms you're referring...at the very least not a bacterial one...but if you truly have a concern for that type of thing then, you will need to present to an ER for further emergent evaluation.
The other thing is you're very possibly taking too much Aleve and ibuprofen. You didn't say how many doses or tablets you've had since Wednesday but if you've taken more than 15 doses all together by this point then, some of your headaches may very well be due to a rebound effect of the medication. That would be called MEDICATION OVERUSE HEADACHE. Some people may also react to the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication which can go on to cause what we call an ASEPTIC MENINGITIS which could give you the neck stiffness, pain, low grade fever, etc. Again, it could just be that...but without more information I can't say for sure.
For the short run and in case this occipital neuralgia I would try some heat to the neck and back of the head in the form of MOIST HEAT as opposed to a heating pad...a rolled up towel which is moistened with hot steam or microwaved (don't burn yourself) will make the occipital pain feel much better.
I hope these answers satisfactorily address your questions. If so, may I ask the favor of a HIGH STAR RATING with some written feedback?
Also, if there are no other questions or comments, may I ask you CLOSE THE QUERY on your end so this question can be transacted and archived for further reference by colleagues as necessary?
Please direct more comments or inquiries to me in the future at:
I would be honored to answer you quickly and comprehensively.
Please keep me informed as to the outcome of your situation.
The query has required a total of 58 minutes of physician specific time to read, research, and compile a return envoy to the patient.

The "Thanks" was because you said "How can I help you?" I always say please and thank you to be polite. :)
The two things I was becoming most concerned with were meningitis and possibly TMJ with the jaw. My fever is gone this morning so you have completely alleviated those fears. Now that is a BIG THANK YOU!!!
I stayed within recommended dosages of the Aleve so I don't think that's it - although I very rarely get headaches so it is possible.
I never regurgitated and stomach feels fine this morning. Fever is also gone. (7 grandchildren in 3 families within 30 minutes of my house. One would think I'd have a thermometer!!)
Thank you for the tip on moist heat. I will definitely give that a try.
I will absolutely give you a high star rating as you responded quickly and completely.
Thanks so much - and have a great day!
I'll let you in on a little secret---
Detailed Answer:
It was probably the the computer server of Healthcaremagic's who was automatically programmed to say the THANK YOU when you first started writing your question to any of her online physicians...BUT....your THANK YOU was such a sweet way of starting out a conversation. That's why you're a Grandmama-- because of being sweet! Wow, you've got 7 grandchildren? Well, they will certainly grow up with VERY POLITE MANNERS as well. One of things my wife and I always get about our kids (22, 21, 20, and 17 years old)...."kids"....HA!.......is how polite they are when they meet people.....wish they'd behave like that at home! And yep, you made a GREAT point.....what the heck are you doing there Grandmama with 7 grandchildren who are probably always over your place because where else would 7 grandchildren WANT TO BE? With Grandmama, of course!.....and NOT have a thermometer....please march yourself right to the nearest pharmacy, grocery store, or maybe even Speedway Gas Station (my favorite gas station by the way....don't forget to pick up a SpeedyRewards card the next time you visit..well worth it...) and Buy yourself SEVERAL thermometers. The ones you put in the mouth, in my opinion, are still the very best ones compared to all the other gadgets you've got.
There is virus going around the country it seems....some people are calling it a summer "flu"...I doubt that....it's just a virus of some sort and it's causing all sorts of havoc in a number of central plains and Midwest states....so Wisconsin might be in the mix. I think you may have caught that bug....it's running several days to a week on average. Your grandkids may or may not get it.....mostly adults seem to be getting it...but it sounds like if that's what it was it's clearing out....just like the weather systems you have that eventually bang into Cleveland! LOL...
And I'll let you in on another little secret---shhhh----sometimes I take up to 24 hrs. to answer questions depending on how many are lined for me on the network....so I just want you to know that....IN CASE, YOU EVER write to me directly and I take just a WEE BIT MORE TIME to answer than what I did last night. The network gives us up to 24 hrs. to answer questions by the way once we've started a thread and so you may wish to be aware of that detail as well.
You know what attracted me to your question? It was SHORT AND SWEET AND TO THE POINT. Plus I knew you'd be NICE because you sounded like a grandmama...I was right on both counts..LOL.....you were SWEET and a LOVELY GRANDMAMA...
I hope you have a bit more of a smile on your face today compared to last week when you were under the weather. I can understand with so many family members why you'd be worried about something like a meningitis....get that thermometer please....And don't overuse OTC medications when you get headaches or other things. Right I'm battling with my 21 year old daughter over her allergies and sinuses (she thinks she knows more than her 55 year old....'OLE MAN....) I keep telling her to knock it off cuz she doesn't....and every time she has a birthday she thinks she's gained IQ points on me or something! LOL....but keep in mind the following numbers (and by the way the same holds true for little kids when they get sore throats and feves). I you take more than 15 doses IN A MONTH of OTC pain relievers or analgesics (Motrin, Ibuprofen, Naprosyn, Aleve, Tylenol, etc. etc.)....15 DOSES per month.....look at that carefully...not DAYS....DOSES.....of any of the medications you run the risk of contracting what are called MEDICATION OVERUSE HEADACHES. And those can be nasty....they can come on very insidiously and people don't even recognize what's happening...but all of a sudden inside of 2-4 weeks they start having near daily headaches with signs of migraines and all sorts of nonsense....and they start escalating the use of the medications which don't seem to be doing as much good as before....and you're off the races! Not the Horse races, mind you.....THE VICIOUS CYCLE MEDICATION OVERUSE HEADACHE RACES!
I'm not saying that explains your headaches....merely a word to the wise and SWEET person reading this so that you now have a statistic and information that could win you a million dollars on JEOPARDY if you ever find yourself being asked the question.....15 is the magic number for MOH (just like 5 stars is the magic number for us when you rate our transactions?) LOL....
Tell me how the moist heat worked out for you....microwave for maybe 30 seconds or even 20 at FULL POWER....be careful...it gets hot...and you don't need to soak the towel....just moisten it a bit. And try it..tell me what you think. If that doesn't help then, you can try the opposite which would be a FROZEN VEGETABLE pack of some sort on the back of the neck and head....usually heat works for my patients in this situation...but sometimes ice pack may work better.....
You've still got a couple questions left in this thread so I'm curious to know if you have any thoughts or other questions about what's going on....we want you to be back to normal come the start of the School Week....I'm assuming you guys are back in school by now?
I hope these answers satisfactorily address your questions. If so, may I ask the favor of a HIGH STAR RATING with some written feedback?
Anyways my dear may I ask you CLOSE THE QUERY on your end if you don't feel like saying anything back to this 'ole guy....I'm not yet a grandpapa and better the heck NOT BE one though the girls can't seem to stop identifying every good looking boy that passes within 50 yds of them....I also squash their hopes and dreams by telling them that if they ever have the notion of bringing any of those folks in here to make boyfriends out of them BEFORE THEY GRADUATE FROM COLLEGE AND COMPLETE THEIR STUDIES (I'm definitely old fashioned in that regard)....THEN, I would just make sure the guy doesn't even think about coming back just by showing him how MESSY THEY KEEP THEIR ROOMS! I tell them that if a guy saw their rooms....as sweet and cute as they are...believe they'd think twice about wanting to make you anything serious if they think you can't keep a tidy house! Again, old fashioned I'll agree....but I think tradition does hard in the human race...don't you? HAHA! Despite our still loving groups like ELO, ROLLING STONES, EAGLES, and LED ZEPPELIN.....Hell, Motley Crue just came by XXXXXXX the other night....WHAT AN AMAZING SHOW THEY PUT ON....do you like them at all? XXXXXXX XXXXXXX opened for them! XXXXXXX XXXXXXX was hanging upside down in his drum set which was being sent over the stage on a roller coaster track and he was drumming to whatever the band was doing on the stage as if he were right side up....HOW THE HECK???
Alright my dear....be well, take some of the serious advice to heart and I know you'll be fine....
Please direct more comments or inquiries to me in the future at:
I would be honored to answer you AS quickly AS POSSIBLE....and comprehensively.
Please keep me informed as to the outcome of your situation and hug them grandkiddies!
The query has required a total of 104 minutes of physician specific time to read, research, and compile a return envoy to the patient.

The warm, moist towel helped a lot. Thanks! Also used a pain cream which helped as well. No Jazzercise for a few days until I'm totally better.
Thanks for the trivia - always fun. Haven't taken anything today and don't feel I need to at this point.
Take care - and have a wonderful day!
My pleasure to have met and treated you
Detailed Answer:
A bit corny but it pretty well summed what my feelings on our encounter my dear. I'm glad your symptoms resolved....and so QUICKLY....geez....you must've had one of those 24 hr. "neck stiffness" bugs!
The story of picking up your husband on a TRAIN is hilarious. I'd love to hear the story if you ever cared to relate it...I take it your kids are aware of it as well as how you'd disapprove of them using any of the same tactics....Tell me...did part of picking him up involve finding a nice "isolated" cabin on one of the rooms that nobody was using to "talk" about your futures?? LOL....I was watching several of XXXXXXX Reynolds' movies yesterday on TCM and they talked about this theme in a variety of comical and even musical ways! I can't believe she's still around in Las Vegas (83 years old) and doing shows at her place....but that's what my dad tells me....He's 86...and still practicing medicine in the office.....he's purely outpatient these days but I still send my kids and wife to him when they get sick.
I have an interesting pickup spouse story as well. I know exactly what you mean. I am constantly battling with my kids making sure that the old adage..."Do as I SAY and not as I either DO or DID" is understood. I tell them..."Sure I met your mom at her place employment when I was living in Mexico...even keep bugging her by going and visiting her during work time to the point of getting her trouble with her boss...and sure I proposed to her and she said YES in a matter of 3 weeks after only going out with her a handful of times (of course, serenading her spontaneously with my violin for breakfast at the Hyatt Hotel should've scored some big points on that answer too, don't you think?) and convincing her to share her car with me to do my business down there as well, and sure we were out until 3am on those first few nights "talking" about anything and everything to the point of steaming up windows, and getting nosy OLD NEIGHBORS with binoculars to call the cops who chased us down and then, who had to bribe (we were in Mexico LUCKILY!) so they wouldn't make a big scandal or haul us in and book us, sure we did all those things, and then, got married and had 4 incredible brats who to this day eat us out of house and home with 3 in college and a 4th ready to enter next year, having lasted 24 going on 25 years next December still "sexting" messages to one another.....yeah, we did all of that.....BUT....if I ever catch any of you THINKING about doing any one of those shenanigans in order to land even a boyfriend/girlfriend let alone a spouse....THERE'LL BE HELL TO PAY.....ROFLMBO!
So I'm with 'ya on all those counts....And we have 3 daughters as well....the son is the eldest of the family....I keep looking forward to grandchildren and the kids' graduation from school because I also have been told not only what you and XXXXXXX Cosby say about the BEAUTY of grandkids....but I'm told that my take home pay apparently goes sky high at some point in the future when even ONE of them moves out and finishes their schooling, let alone all of them! LOL!
What is your profession by the way....I have many patients who are/were GM workers and they may complain about THE MAN or THE FOREMAN back in their day...but let me tell you...I can't think of another insurance coverage by an employer that I would rather see than GM. When my office those employees coming through the door...believe me....we roll out XXXXXXX Wonka's Chocolate Factory to greet them and KEEP them!
BTW, I host a radio show entitled THE OHIO PHYSICIANS EDUCATIONAL NETWORK which livestreams on WHK 1420 AM on the 3rd Saturday of each month and has been continuously running as a medical talk show since Sept. 2013. Only program with the format that it has on medical discussions and themes that I know of in the country. You are obviously invited to TUNE IN as a way of staying in touch and perhaps gaining information of use. Believe it or not....this month my scheduled guest is going to be a PROFESSIONAL VIOLINIST who travels around the country raising money and awareness for a disease she suffers with, VASCULITIS, she's just a "baby" the poor dear...in her 20's, XXXXXXX LINT. She is on a mission called Violin for Vasculitis so if you'd like to listen...vasculitis is a weird oddity which gives people a plethora of seemingly unrelated symptoms that march around the body at different times and can be quite a chore to diagnose and treat because of that fact of never really staying long enough in one place to allow doctors to put together the crime scene if you know what I mean....Hope at some point you'll tune in...I do have a FACEBOOK page for the show if you're online at all and want to look it up, THE OHIO PHYSICIANS EDUCATIONAL NETWORK....
I'm glad the warm towels did the trick for you....that's good to know that you respond to warm towels, "heck..who wouldn't in the climate you and we are both in??" LOL....--- you're not too far from where the Edmund Fitzgerald went down are you???
Please be careful as a point of information about anything you may use as a cream to soothe aches and pain away. That's chemical heat (Ben XXXXXXX Icey Hot, and others) which can burn to the point of giving people 2nd degree injuries. Once the substance is massaged into the skin or joint....it's impossible to reverse its effects so just because a little is GOOD doesn't mean MORE is BETTER...quite the opposite and then, you're in trouble. I always counsel people to stay away from those products unless it comes in a format that allows you to separate from the product and its chemical reactivity instantly if it becomes too uncomfortable. Hence my recommendations for MOIST HEAT over anything else.
And I agree that jazzercise can be put on hold for a day or 2 and I'm sure you won't lose your girlish attitude or figure! LOL...
Hope your week is shaping up beautifully and I wish you all the best!
I'm so sorry that this has to be the last response in the allotted thread of questions...JUST REMEMBER....you can get 4 questions all together if you ever request information from me under the SPECIALIST QUERY or DIRECT QUERY side of things. You chose a category of General Medical and for what they charge you they give you a total of 3 questions....but the other type gives 1 more....
At any rate, you can always find me specifically if you visit:
and as I said, my radio show does have a FACEBOOK page which I TRY to keep up as well but it's so hard to do that, do this, and everything else...you understand...
I hope all marches on well for you medically and in every other way....Be Safe and all the best to your family!
The query has required a total of 144 minutes of physician specific time to read, research, and compile a return envoy to the patient.

So as final answers to your questions and thoughts...
Of COURSE our daughters know about the train. There was so much fate involved. I was a camp counselor in summers and was going to XXXXXXX to see a friend from camp. His father had died in a car accident five years before on the day we met. After that, his mother sent him to boarding school. He was going to see a fellow classmate. I almost took the bus, but the train had a better schedule for me. I almost turned right when I boarded, but turned left to go to that car. I sat down across from him because I thought he was cute (hey - I was 16!) No isolated cars for talking. In fact I had my guitar with me and I pulled it out and sang for him. When we got to XXXXXXX he went up to his friend (who we are still friends with today) and said "See that girl? That's the girl I'm going to marry" I was going to take the bus back, but he talked me into the train. I told him I'd see if I could work out arrangements to change my plans. When he saw me walk into the station - he knew we'd be together forever. I kept the train ticket as a souvenir. On our 30th anniversary I had it framed along with the title of our song when we were dating "You Are Everything and Everything is You" It's hanging on our wall.
I am a Regional HR Manager. Like I said previously, it took me 22 years to get my bachelors. I dropped out after one year of college to get married. Took some courses here and there, and then decided I needed the degree when I saw where my employer at the time was going. I finished the last part - 72 credits - in two years with a full time job, a house, a husband, and three active teenagers. I'd pull out books at 5:00 in the morning and study at night. There was always a text in the car and I took at least one on every vacation and camping trip. The girls were very proud of me, but said they'd never do that. So they did the traditional of right after high school. One is very successful at GE, one is a nurse but also an Executive Director at a local hospital, and one is a teacher, currently going for a license to be either an Administrator or a Principal. After I got the Bachelors I took a year off and went back for my Masters so I could teach HR at a local university as "my part time hobby that pays and supports my grandma habit" My husband only finished high school. He has been my biggest cheerleader through it all and loves what I've done. I asked him years ago if he cared that I was advancing while he was staying Production at GM. He said "I don't care if you do as long as you don't care that I don't" Perfect answer and it's always worked. He retired at 51 with a 30 year Generous Motors pension, a house on a lake, and a wife who still wants to work! But he takes care of the house, all the errands, and me! he paid his dues in a job he didn't particularly like, but gave us a great life. I'm thrilled! And I'm retiring in a little less than 2 1/2 years.
You will be happy to know I found my thermometer. It was in the first place I looked, but I don't think I was really looking or thinking clearly. I did laugh when I saw it though.
Neck still hurts somewhat but it's manageable. I promise I'll follow your advice!
If I can get your radio show I'll definitely tune in!
Have a terrific life. Never forget that family is the most important. Everything else is what it is and it will work out. A couple of years ago my husband accidentally set our house on fire while burning leaves. The front face had to be replaced along with some carpeting, but everything was fine. When I saw it I started to laugh. He still thought I was mad at him. I sat him down and said that in our entire marriage only three problems were problems. One daughter had retino blastoma when she was 2. One daughter had to have an oblation in her heart. And one had a torn ACL and broke her arm three times in the same place. All were treated and - from previous descriptions - they turned out great. Other than that - none of the "problems" matter. It's just stuff.
Take care - and thanks so much!!
Real Life Story Made for the Movies!
Detailed Answer:
Did you know that the expression of saying "PLEASE" to someone when you don't understand or couldn't quite hear what they say is common in XXXXXXX Ohio and laughed at by everyone else in the state? LOL....I had a friend who is now an attorney...and every time she said PLEASE to one of my statements...I would respond with a THANK YOU.....kind of like you...in reverse!
Well, Grandmomma Dearest...that is an incredible story and one that I could easily envision in a movie directed by either XXXXXXX XXXXXXX or XXXXXXX XXXXXXX ....NOT XXXXXXX Spielberg! You certainly have a lot to be proud of sprinkled in with some luck (i.e. HOUSE FIRE!)....Visions of the movie of the MONEY PIT with XXXXXXX Hanks and the Starlett....famous girl...cute...just blanked on her name. I can see those contractors from that house working on yours putting it back together! LOL....ooohhhh wheeee... I've never heard that song....I'll have to look it up....may come in handy at a gig...I usually pride myself on knowing all of those "oldies but goodies..." For example, when you were 16 (I would've been 9)....what did you think of Ira Gershwin tunes, XXXXXXX Cooke, Ray Orbison, Or were you guys just totally into the King, The Beatles, and The Stones (for the Heavy Metal types at that time! HAHA!)? All I remember when I was that age was XXXXXXX Sawchek in 3rd grade...she became my crush...much to my dismay since her "boyfriend" in the 5th grade was Captain of the School Guards....who was naturally a lot bigger than me and not terribly understanding of how even though I had a crush...I knew it would never come to pass....One day the Lieutenant of the Guard intervened when this guy was about to level me on the playground....That Lieutenant of the Guard is now the Chief of Police of Bedford Heights here in XXXXXXX ..Home of XXXXXXX Berry! LOL....The Captain? He ended up going to jail and getting into drugs and all sorts of crazy stuff after high school...BTW, I rendezvous'ed with XXXXXXX some 25 years after I lost track of her from elementary school when we moved away...and I AM SO GLAD she didn't become my destiny.....nothing there but TROUBLE!! I was on the way to becoming a doctor by that point, was single, and now the shoe was on the other foot.....boy did I hightail it away from her as quickly as I could find the front door of the house she invited to...right next to the hospital that I'd be working at about 15 years later! LOL.....Circles and circles of coincidences.
Happy that your kids are all healthy and well....especially the one who had retinoblastoma....wow....and daughter who was an ORTHOPOD'S DREAM! LOL....our youngest child was a 26 week preemie...who survived despite being given horrible odds...7 months in the hospital, 3 months intubated....She weighed 1 lb. 3 oz. and now? Plays piano, violin, was invited to take the SAT's when she was in the 6th grade because of the way she was scoring on these inschool standardized tests especially in English, Reading, Spelling (never sent her for the Spelling Bee...what a shame...she would've done well).....so to hell with the odds is the way I look at things anymore.
So, now let me at least close with SOMETHING MEDICAL otherwise, I'll feel worthless to you BLOGGING instead of earning my keep as a healer! LOL.... (hey, when I do house calls....what do you think comprises half of my THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTION with my patients who are in chronic pain....or chronic ANYTHING for that matter??? What else can I offer that hasn't been offered already....and you know what? Talking works miracles sometimes! LOL...
You should teach me HR though....because even though I love to talk with my patients and make them feel good....I can't find anybody who's worthy to be on permanent payroll in my office....I'm sorry, be there is just far too much mediocrity out there and I always seem to pick it when it comes to picking out resume's from people who try making it sound as if "my dream come true admin has just arrived....." WTF!....
But here's the thing on the headaches....(and I'm sure you were thinking this anyways by the way you presented your initial symptoms)....have you been evaluated for TMJ...very common cause for headaches/sharp pains at the nape of the neck radiating up to the occiput and through the neck....Of course, if you also had a low grade fever of some sort....maybe unrelated...but obviously, it's resolving at this point....good safe and cheap intervention are the HOT MOIST TOWELS...don't burn yourself please....and Tylenol if your stomach a bit acidy.
If you find yourself battling those headaches again but they same to be related to different things or just not quite going away despite best efforts...lemme know...I can send you a HA diary to start tracking things and we can make an effort to get on top of them....if there's a physical cause, we'll find it....if not, we can still shoot to vaporize them without really knowing where they came from.
Our medical school class reunion is being planned for XXXXXXX Summer/Fall 2016. I won't ask you if there's anything to do there for a bunch of doctors because the list won't end, I'm sure! Then, we're using XXXXXXX again in 2017 (probably Summer) for the European Concert Touring Orchestra I was in when I was 16 years old...
Don't forget about the radio show and lemme know now and again...somehow....I do have a FACEBOOK page for my practice and the radio show....at: https://www.facebook.com/parmaneurology
Be well, be happy!

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