Suggest Treatment For Side Effects Of Xarelto
Q: Is having 'low energy' a common symptom of xarelto?
I am a 21yo female, I have had blood clots (DVT) 3 times in my leg (as a result of taking birth control). It seems that I need to take xarelto for the rest of my life.
I've been taking 20mg xarelto for about 1yr and a half. I'm not sure if it's age or overall stress, but I've noticed as time has progressed that I feel exhausted/tired on a daily basis. I'm a full time med student with a part time job. I've noticed that after school or work (on most days) I feel really tired, and my legs usually are in pain (aching sensation throughout the inside of my legs, the best way to describe it). I normally need to lay in bed to decompress or sleep excessively.
My only concern is that this constant low energy is taking a toll in my life in general. I need to sleep excessively before I can start my day. I can't really concentrate or focus in school/while studying as efficiently as I used to before all of this began.
Right now, I am taking a 6 month period of wearing 15-20mmhg compression stockings, as recommended by my doctor, without taking xarelto. I barely started this yesterday.
Any answers or advice on how to deal with this?
Dealing with dizziness/low energy feeling with Xeralto / Under Evaluation
Detailed Answer:
Brief Ans-Dealing with dizziness/low energy feeling with Xeralto / Under Evaluation
Hi,Dear !! Thanks for your updates to HCM.
Read and reviewed query facts with reports attached,in context to your lack of energy and dizziness with Xeralto.
Dear, You seem to have dizziness and low energy feeling since last 1 and half yr-which is a common major side effect with Xeralto-20 mg.
To deal with this you have opted to use Venostockings since yesterday, to avoid DVT risk, from oral pills.
Do's Suggested for Dealing with this health issues-
-Reassess with Colour doppler study as to see if DVT is resolved or not? as its almost 1 and half year of treatment for DVT with oral pills.If DVT is resolved,then you can stop Xeralto treats.
This is because your DVT is result of oral pills.Stop taking oral pills and opt for other way of controlling menses, in consultation with Gynec doctor.And this would reduce Xeralto need forever.
-Keep your lipid profile- in normal limits and your obesity, under control, by low caloric intake and regular exercise -to keep weight under control.
-Continue Venostocking,as is being done to curtail Xeralto intake,for reducing dizziness/ low energy side effect,which is affecting your daily working and schooling.
-Can Reduce on the dose of Xeralto 20 mg to keep your INR in limits,which would reduce dizziness
-Changing Blood thinners to anticoagulant with no dizziness/low energy feeling.
Keep your doctor informed on these changes, by prior discussion and permissions with him.
Dear, these suggestions would reduce your risk of DVT and would reduce the risk from taking Xeralto-as its requirement can be avoided/or kept away.
Await more specific queries , for more replies on various aspects, if need be, so as to fix this problem.
Welcome for any further query in this regard.
If need be, update any health issue 24 x 7 by a direct question to ME, at following HCM link-
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You are most Welcome herewith !!
Good Day!!
Wishing Good Healthy Life in time to come!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist