Suggest Treatment For Sinus Arrhythmia
Sinus arrhythmia possible septal infarct QS in V1V2 minor inferior repolarization Disturbance, considered Ischemia, LV overload or a specific change flat or low negative T in AVI WITH negative T in lol. Very concerned. Next test scheduled in 3 weeks. Is this serious? Is 2 weeks to long to wait. She's 44 and has PD.
Yes you can wait.
Detailed Answer:
Sinus arrhythmia means the normal increase in heart rate that occurs during inspiration. This is a natural response and is more accentuated in some adults. This condition does not require any treatment.
Other changes like Q in V1 and V2, with T wave inversion can be indicator of ischemia but they are non specific changes and sensitivity is very low especially when present only in few leads. T in V1 is always negative, it's normal.
I would suggest you not to panic.
ECG is just a baseline test of cardiology and stress test and 2D echo to be done to rule out any ischemia possibility.
If patient is asymptomatic you can wait for 2-3 weeks. All those changes mentioned are quite non-specific and present in only few leads.