Suggest Treatment For Sinus Pressure And Post Nasal Drip
I am worried and dont have the money to get more tests if I dont need them .
Chronic sinusitis
Detailed Answer:
I had gone through your question and understand your concerns that you are having sinus issues.
Based on your clinical details, it appears to be chronic sinusitis secondary to allergic rhinitis.
Answers for your queries.
1. Yes. MRI, do show sinus disease.As such, in sinus disease, CT scan of para nasal sinuses is an ideal investigation ( it shows bony Windows ( anatomical abnormality and pathological extent) of nose and sinuses.
2. Antibiotics, rarely will help in chronic sinusitis, surgery is the final resort.
3. Yes. Nasal endoscopy do show anatomy, patency and pathologies (polyps and deviated nasal septum).
4. Do not worry. it's not a cancer.
5. speak to your Ent surgeon for Ct scan of para nasal sinus.
6. In the mean time, do steam inhalation and avoid chilled products consumption ( curd/ ice cream)
Hope this answers your question, if you have additional questions or follow up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions.
Wishing you good health.
My concern is most of my symptoms are on my right side. I do occasionally get pressure in the corner of my eye as well as stuffiness on that side. It will resolve itself during the day and may not come back for weeks. I also had a nose bleed at night a few months ago but has not recurred.
Would the MRI I had of my C spine give the doctor enough views of my maxillary sinuses to see if it were more serious than chronic sinusitis?
Thank you
Need CT scan of para nasal sinuses.
Detailed Answer:
Hello again,
Thanks for considering my answer and for your follow up.
1. It is uncommon that, allergic individuals will go for cancer.
2. Yes. MRI, will give information of sinus interiors and its extensions.
3. Yes. serious issues also can be diagnosed by MRI.
4. CT scan is for bony Windows, ( anatomical bony blockages like (septum deviations and Spurs) will give more information than MRI (MRI is for soft tissue shadows (polyp, cancer).
All the best. Take care.
How soon should I get a CT? My symptoms are manageable. Can I wait a few months? It is hard financially to keep paying for tests.
1-2 month.
Detailed Answer:
Hello again,
Yes. You can wait, till you solve your financial issues ( 1-2 months).
Take care.