Suggest Treatment For Sore Throat And Voice Hoarseness
viral infection, bacterial infection of ear and throat need to be ruled out
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
It is likely a viral upper respiratory tract infection which is the flu or common cold.
If the pain is only in one ear , however, a bacterial infection of that specific ear would need to be ruled out by an assessment by your doctor. If the ear does have an infection, you would need either topical antibiotic drops to the ear or oral antibiotics.
A bacterial infection of the throat may also need to be ruled out
The flu is suspected when the symptoms are very severe eg high prolonged fever, joint and muscle pain, fatigue and malaise
In most cases, the symptoms last 7 to 10 days, though if a cough develops, it can potentially last up to 6 weeks.
Treatment is usually symptomatic, this means treating specific symptoms not the virus itself.
(1)rest and fluids
(2)pain medication such as ibuprofen, paracetamol etc
(3)rest of your voice
(4)a throat gargle eg chloroseptic, diflam or covonia
(5)if a cough or nasal symptoms occur, then these would need treatment with an over the counter cough med
(6)if the cough gets wet, then a mucolytic, which breaks up the mucus would be needed guaifenesin, bisolvan or mucomyst
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions