Suggest Treatment For Swallowing Difficulty And Diarrhea
now loss of appetite, has abdominal distention (CT scan shows only cloudy area where appendict used to be
has increased saliva/phlegm cannot take her medications d/t fact as soon as she swallows she gags phlegm
comes up (lot of mucous) makes her ill (N/V) CT of brain clear she is 84 years of age, no colonoscopy can be done she does not want one. Of course the Hydrocortisone level is not where it should be family at a loss as to what to do she wants to die because she is miserable (N/V) loss of appetite feeling very weak ill hospital today she was to be discharged but BP elevated during the night on Benicar 40 mg daily does not like the medication won't take it has increased saliva in mouth has CHF no swelling in extremities, but face an neck looks slighty swollen to me. Alert oriented can ambulate with walker or cane Help XXXX XXXXXXX
many problems, I'll try to help
Detailed Answer:
first of all, I have to say that a lot of important information is missing like why she's taking hydrocortisone for that long? You haven't mentioned her medical history. It's very important to know! Inflammatory bowel disease, neurological disease?
Why did she go to the hospital in the first place?
Now let me analyze some of the facts you've presented.
You've mentioned a swallowing difficulty (coughing up phlegm after feeding). This could be attributed to various neurologic causes and may have to do with her medical history. The 'clear' brain CT reduces a lot the chance that she'd had a stroke, which is a very common cause of swallowing difficulties.
Her diarrhea could be attributed to the antibiotic. This is a very common cause but it needs testing. I'm sure that her doctors have already done so! Other potential causes of diarrhea have to be sought if the antibiotic related diarrhea cannot be proven.
The fact that she's alert and oriented is a good sign. I don't understand how she would be discharged with problems like ongoing diarrhea and weakness unless she's been already diagnosed.
I hope you find my comments helpful!
Please contact me again, if you'd like to provide more information about her condition and I'll be glad to comment on the new information!
Kind Regards!