Suggest Treatment For Thyroid Hormone Resistance
Detailed Answer:
Sorry to learn about your daughter's thyroid problem.
As you may already very well know, thyroid hormone resistance is a rare condition.
Only a handful of endocrinologists in US have experience and expertise in diagnosing and managing it 100% correctly.
I am aware of Dr XXXXXXX Yen at Johns XXXXXXX in XXXXXXX Maryland as one of them.
Even if you cannot locate him in particular, the best chance for your daughters' thyroid problem is to seek consultation at a reputed academic medical center such as the NIH in Bethesda, Maryland or Mayo clinic 9Rochester, Minnesota or couple more locations) where rare conditions are dealt with in far greater volumes that those seen by the average endocrinologist in private practice such as myself.
They will explicate the intricacies, for example which type of thyroid hormone resistance she has in the first place. General and Peripheral are two examples. These are complex issues.