Suggest Treatment For Tingling Sensation That Radiates To Different Body Parts
Needs work up, not normal
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
Electric shock of your description likely meant a tingling neurological pain referring to the arm. It is never normal. At age of 53 , the first thing i would try to rule out is any cardiac involvement like MI angina etc, and for that a simple EKG will tell the story. FOllowed by cardiac perfusion studies.
Once cleared from that, other possibilities will be gastric discomfort, neurological origin, spinal issues, compressive neuropathies, anxiety and musculoskeletal as all of them can cause such sensations in the chest and can mix the story. You need a little work up for sure as one thing is sure and that is that it never happens normally.
I hope it helps. Get to E and get an EKg done. Rest of the work up can wait.
Take good care of your self and dont forget to close the discussion please.
May the odds be ever in your favour.