Suggest Treatment For Ulcers In Genital Area, Diarrhea And Cramps
I'm 47 years old, male and today I received the result of a blood test with the TPHA Positive. I don't have any sexual risky behavior and I never had any symptom of syphilis as ulcers (chancre) in the genital area or in any other part of my body (never).
I'm working in XXXXXXX and more or less 2,5 weeks before the blood test, I developed an intestinal infection characterized by a strong diarrhea and cramping during about two weeks. I had a medical appointment and doctor prescribed me an antibiotic (Ciprofloxacina Ciclum 500 mg).
I finished the treatment one day before the blood collection. Do you think that this situation (the intestinal infection) may have any influence in the TPHA result ?
Do you also think possible to have syphilis without any symptom as the ulcers (chancre) never ?
I'm again in XXXXXXX without a doctor whom I can trust, I'm very worried and for this reason I decided to contact you.
Many Thanks in advance
Kind regards,
I suggest an RPR test and another syphilis specific test i.e FTA ABS
Detailed Answer:
Hello. Thank you for writing to us
I have gone through your query and I understand that you are concerned by the result of TPHA test.
This could be a false positive result. The best way to know this is to carry out RPR test and another syphilis specific test like FTA-ABS test.
If none these follow up test are negative most likely TPHA was false postive which can happen in some viral infections, autoimune disease etc.
If any of these follow up tests is positive, that confirms the presence of syphilis antibodies (meaning that it is an infection from the past).
A primary chancre of syphilis will usually form at the site of infection and normally it is not that easily missed on the external genitalia of a heterosexual male unlike in females where it may be missed because it is painless and it may be hidden inside the vagina Or inside the anus/ rectum in a homosexual male.
Do you have a past history of risky sexual contact?
Thank you very much for your answer,
In fact I never had any sign of a primary chancre of syphilis.
I've been subbmited to the same blood test since 6 years ago, every year and the result has been always negative.
The last time I had which I can consider a risky sexual contact was almost 6 years ago.
I'm with my wife since 4,5 years ago and she never had any type of symptom.
Many Thanks.
Kind regards,
I suggest a follow up FTA-ABS Test and an RPR test
Detailed Answer:
Hi. Thank you for clarifying.
In that case this is most likely a false positive test. The best way for you to go forward would be to take an RPR test and a different syphilis specific test i.e FTA-ABS test for a confirmatory judgement. If none of these follow up tests are positive that means your earlier TPHA was a false positive test.
(please correct typoerror in my previous reply in which i mention "if none of these follow up tests are negative most likely TPHA was false positive". It should actually be "if none of these follow up tests are positive most likely TPHA was false positive").