Suggest Treatment For Vaginal Yeast Infections
Cotrimazole or meconazole creams can also be used
Detailed Answer:
Hi! Welcome to HealthcareMagic! Thanks for sharing your concerns with us. We will try to help you in best way possible. First of all, it is sad to know what you had been experiencing lately.
Based on the history you have shared, it seems as if you have already been through a lot and seem no definite treatment is working and that explains your agitation. Other measures, apart from using fluconazole or difflucaine orally, are local anti fungal creams like Meconazole or Clotrimazole for intravaginal applications with an applicator.
A high vaginal swab culture and sensitivity for other causative bugs may also be proceeded with and exact responsive antibiotics or anti fungal can be chose accordingly.
Keep it dry and avoid excessive sweating, dampening, using thick fabric underwear which doesn't avoid ventilation or cause local irritation and trauma as all these factors predispose the chances of recurrence.
Wishing you a speedy recovery. Hope this has answered your query, if you have any more questions, feel free to ask.