Suggest Treatment For Weakness And Muscle Fatigue In The Legs
Last, how can I control symptoms of heavy bleeding from alarge fibriod and enlarged uterus with adenomyosis without having to have a hysterectomy or be on any hormones? I do not want to take the IUD or any hormonal birth control with my risk for blood clots in my legs. Also, I do not want to take any tramexic acid to control because of the risk of blood clots. What can I take that won't cause blood clots or stroke? Thanks
as explained in details.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query and an elucidate history.
Read the history very carefully and understood your concerns.
To answer all your queries:
I was also told that losing 60 lbs to get down to 140 lbs would help my symptoms greatly and may resolve the reflux in my legs? Is this true or am I postponing the enevivdable. Will losing weight help to the point of not having to have endovenous leg surgery or will I have to have surgery most likely?
> It is very well known that having an optimal weight helps to regain normalcy in small varicose veins. It definitely reduces the the back pressure from the abdomen too. Whether you will need surgery or any procedure depends upon the damage to the non-reducing valves, whether they can come back to the normalcy functioning properly or still irreparable.
Reducing weight will certainly help the outcome.
Can the legs recover on their own or are they already too damaged?
> This again depends upon the exact clinical evaluation by your Surgeon/Intervenist, by the reports of high resolution ultrasonography and color doppler and response to the management in toto.
how can I control symptoms of heavy bleeding from a large fibriod and enlarged uterus with adenomyosis without having to have a hysterectomy or be on any hormones?
> With the advent of modern techniques, machines, training fibroids alone can be removed and the endothelial layer ablated. Please consult your Gynecologist to discuss on these two points to get what you want.
I hope this answers your queries, please feel free to ask for further relevant queries if you feel that there is a gap of communication.
can be permanent ...
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This may help you for cure too. Hence the need to consult your Gynecologist trained in such surgeries and procedures to get the best results.
Blood does not get trapped into myometrium nor does the heavy bleeding.
Very good results in trained hands.
Also are 5mm veins too big to heal on their own from your knowledge through weight loss and the removal of other physiological factors such as no longer being effected by excess hormones like progesterone like in pregnancy. Also I was wondering if I should just have a phelebetomy to remove the cluster of varicosities that are so clearly prevelent on the back of my thigh to see if that would help things, instead of ablating the entire great staphanous vein, that seems drastic, even though my reflux is bad. The great staohanous veins is rather large..
As discussed
Detailed Answer:
Training or raining fibroids was a typo error.
Yes, Myomectomy was the meaning.
10 cm fibroids do not shrink on their own or by weight loss.
Yes, 5 mm veins are large enough that they may not heal on their own. Weight loss helps in better recovery.
Hormones have varied actions on veins. For example drop in progesterone relaxes vein walls.
In pregnancy the blockage/pressure-on iliac veins increases back-pressure on the veins in the lower limbs.
What was the advise and explanation by the Surgeon?
the OBGYN said she did not want to do a myomectomy because i have 10cm intrammural fibriod (and had a previous uteruine artery embolization) in the wall of the uterus and also adenomyosis, so she said she was only willing to give IUD or hysterectomy, which I don't want.
Also, what are rectangular veins? what is the difference between rectangular veins and varicose veins? are 5mm veins rectangular because they are so wide?
Please give additional information and post reports of investigations
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your feedback, I can understand your concerns.
Hysterectomy can be considered if there are symptoms that are causing problems.
If there is reflux causing the varicose veins, it should be stopped as soon as possible to avoid further gradually growing complications.
Not heard of Rectangular veins.
You may please post the actual report of the ultrasound with color doppler for me to assist you better.
Please post most recent ones.
Detailed Answer:
Please post the most recent ultrasound of the abdomen and pelvis and of the lower limbs to know and guide you better.