Suggest Treatment For Yellow Fluid Secretion From A Hernia Apart From Severe Diarrhea Attacks
sites have healed. The 5th site has begun to weep quite a bit and
a yellow fluid is secreated. Infection? I cannot get my wife to her surgeon for 4 days. Her primary doctor is away. If infection is a
probable then should I take her to the ER? She just had an instant
attack of diarehea (severe).
It should be seen, most infections easily treated
Detailed Answer:
Yes, it would be best to take her to be assessed at the ER. Based on the signs and symptoms mentioned an infection is likely. Most infections are easily treated with a course of antibiotics.
Diarrhea usually occurs as a result of an viral infection though there are other causes as well.
Most persons with diarrhea usually recover with home treatment. If she has a repeat episode of soft/loose stool this treatment can be started.
It consists of:
(1) holding off solids till 4 hours with no diarrhea then using dry foods
(2)use of probiotics
(3)using fluids and electrolytes to replace those lost
Medication is usually not needed unless it is extended but if required meds like lomotil or peptobismol can be used
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions.