Brief Answer:
Please, you don't need to!
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you so much for this query.
I am so sorry to know you are not very happy with the complexion of your body. It is understandable that we may want to look a little different. However, what are the consequences of doing this? No skin complexion is better than another. We all need to be happy and glad with how we look rather than looking for ways to change this. Whites strive all the times to get tanned and at the same time nonwhites try to become white in complexion. It is a very troubling and sensitive area.
The basic idea to become fair in complexion is using
steroids either in creams/lotion or injections. Overtime, they would do just that. This works by burning the subcutaneous tissues. The consequences are easy bleeding, poor
wound healing, can provoke new onset
diabetes, and in the long run causes excessive
wrinkles on the body. If these are consequences you would want to deal with, then a monthly shot of
triamcinolone 80mg IM would do just that.
I honestly think you would very much benefit by consulting a
psychiatrist. Take a look at my profile picture and tell me if there is really a reason for you to strive becoming white.
I wish you well. I hope you bear in mind the severe risk before attempting that. You look amazing on the picture and I seem unable to understand your reasons for trying to become lighter in complexion.
Dr. Ditah, MD.