they want to discharge him from the hospital.... before he was on 3 l n/c. now he can not maintin above 88 with 5 liters, bipap he is at 93....
What can we do to prevent it from happening again. It seems he is constantly having chf exacerbations, he takes his
lasix and K+ replacement. the DM1 is not an issue I am an ER RN and a diabetic educator. I have adjusted his
insulin many tiems for him before. It seems when he is on the
steroids he does great. he is himself, in sted of how he is now. I dont want him to have a high dose of steroids, mayb 5-10mg daily just to see if it helps, if not after a week or so then we can taper down and stop. I am speakign to the pulmonologist later today and want to have all my info. they wouldnt tell me his labs last night at the hospital. im hoping today i can see him CMP results. I am expecting his K+ to be low. He ended up getting an irregualr heart beat for a while last night. now back to
sinus. there has to be a way to prevent it from keep happening. i know
albumin is supposidly contraindicated, but that is the only thing i know of to fix third spacing. What else is there. He cant have more diuretics since he is hypotensive. they wouldnt put him on a pressor. mayeb today they will. I wanted to ask him pulm. for low dose steroids, and albumin for a few days, plus maybe a d5/.09 k20meg. sicne he isnt eating and will most likley need more potassium. i dont want to be a typical healthcare worker family member but it just seems this md is giving my grandparetns a hard time. they will do what ever he says without question, and me being from a magnet hospital, i am encouraged to question everything.
What else are some options other than just diuretics and wait....