Suggest Ways To Control Diabetes
Also I have an artificial right ankle. In the past month a knot approximately about 3/4 size of a golf ball has appeared on my outside ankle 1/4 on and 3/4 off bone/implant. It's extremely sore and somewhat pulpy. Along with bone pain from insert this is making it painful to drive. Have been doing range of motion but not helping. What could it be and what should I do? Thank you for your assistance.
MAny options for diabetes control.
Detailed Answer:
Good day,
Noted your concern.
Insulin is an anabolic hormoone and surely increases the weight. No doubt about it. You are on 115 units of Insulin a day. What is your weight and height?
We usuually put people on Insulin pump when there is uncontrollable blood sugars, Type 1 Diabetes, Pregnancy with diabetes, Brittle diabetes, diabetes with impaired awareness of hypoglycemia etc.
You may need a CGMS ( continuous glucose monitoring) for 3 days before we can decide further about various treatment options including Insulin pump.
Januvia is surely an option if you have Type 2 diabetes. Januvia along with Metformin is a wonderful choice in Type 2 diabetes and surey helps to lose some weight and to cut down insulin dose.
Another wonderful drus is Liralgutide ( victoza) which can be used along with insulin. If you are type 2 diabetic , then it helps to lose weight and also to reduce the insulin dose.
Noted your ankle photo. It is not very clear, but appears to be bulky along the scar. It could be a foreign body reaction to artificial material used in the ankle or just an effusion. You may need an Xray. However, it is better to meet/ask an orthopediaician for a better opinion.
Kind Regards
Detailed Answer:
The excess weight could be a reason for requirement for large dose of Insulin. Where as insulin itself cause excess weight gain. It is as two way relationship. You can certainly consider Januvia with Metformin or Liraglutide with Metformin. You will have to use some Insulin along with them. However eventually you may be able to reduce insulin dose further in 2 to 3 months.