Suggest Ways To Deal With Depression And Fibromyalgia
I'm I experience depression and mood swings and my family believes I am bipolar. This may be the case, in addition to the Fibro. I recently saw a NP who prescribed a mood stabilizer, which seems to be helping somewhat.
My PT has never heard of the 18 trigger points, much less the fibro-fog and strange pain I experience in my teeth, toes and countless other places in my body. My internist is aware of Fibro, but offers little sympathy.
I see a rheumatoligist and take 400 mg Gabapentin, but I feel that my needs are not being met. Unfortunately, there is no Fibro support group in the XXXXXXX TN area.
Thank you in advance for your kind attention to my request.
Fibromyalgia awareness methods
Detailed Answer:
Hi XXXXXXX Morris, thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern. Fibromyalgia is a very disturbing illness for patient. Because most of the people do not have knowledge about it and so they don't feel the pain of others. It is very common problem which I also obeserved in my patients.
I will tell you few steps to how to deal with it and making people aware.
First - You should join " National Fibromyalgia Association (NFA)". It spreads awareness, tells you different methods to get relief, new updates, also patient groups and programmes where they can interact.
2) Tell your physiotherapist, medical staff about May 12 which is celebrated as "Fibromyalgia awareness day". With the help of supportive staff, you can make joint efforts to celebrate it and use it to spread awareness.
3) You should join a group on NFA on internet. It will help you in sharing your pain and also increasing your knowledge.
4) Keep some papers about fibromyalgia with you. Whenever you feel people are not taking you seriously, show it to them. Tell them that it is a non inflammatory pain condition in which most of the tests are negative. It is common for people to assume that if no test is positive, how can it be a disease? Such people can get information from your papers.
5) Take support of your family. They can help in spreading awareness in neighbourhood. I am sure that many undiagnosed people will come forward after getting some information and relating with it.
6) You can conduct few games and questionnaire to assess knowledge. You can take help of professionals for making games. Regarding questionnaire, you can ask
- What is fibromyalgia?
- Any relation with trigger points?
- Do you know any tests about fibromyalgia?
- What age group is most commonly affected?
- What sex is most commonly affected?
- Any role of exercise, mental support?
- Any relation with depression?
Hope it will help you to some extent. If any doubt, do let me know. I try these methods in my patients and relieving their mental stress.
Thanks. Take care.