Suggest Ways To Grow Facial Hair
Biotin, Amla Oil and Eucalyptus ingredient will help for a quick facial hair growth
Detailed Answer:
Hello Sir
I can certainly understand your concern.
For an increased rate of growth of facial hair, its important to consume adequate quantity of protein food.
Foods like Soy and Egg are excellent sources of protein.
Additionally, I prescribe oral pills of Biotin 10 mg once daily for 3 months.Biotin is known to directly Influence the hair growth by stimulating the collagen cross synthesis.
Avoid smoking.
Drink plenty of water.
Exfoliate your skin twice weekly.
Massage with Almond oil for 20 min will directly increase the facial hair growth.
Control stress.
Sleep well.
Apply Moisturizer with Eucalyptus ingredient.
Please check with your physician if he shares my view and if can prescribe Biotin(Xtraglow) to you.
Post your further questions if any.
Thank you.