Suggest Ways To Lose Weight
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Hello Sir,
You have reached a weight plateau and must break it in order to move on. I have pasted a handout that I counsel my patients on when they hit a plateau.
Following a low glycemic diet (you may find a list of these foods by googling them) will help by altering your insulin metabolism in your favor. Do this to maintain weight as well.
Breaking Your Weight Plateaus
. . . a Toolbox for Success
Choose any one or combination of tools to break the plateau
Meal Plan Adjustments
Journals: weigh, measure everything that is eaten
Begin an Intermittent-Fasting Meal Plan (not for diabetes)
Switch to eating low glycemic carbohydrates
Exercise Adjustment
Change your workout routine-frequency/interval/duration
Use sprint interval training
Do resistance training first, then cardio
Add balancing activities – yoga, tai chi, meditation
Add Themogenic Aides
Green Tea (synergetic with quercetin, fish oil, caffeine)
Add hot chili peppers and turmeric to foods
Assure adequate vitamin D and calcium
Resveratrol use- 150 mg/ day
Bitter orange
Vitamin C – 250 mg/day
Kola nut
Any and all changes to your current nutritional plan should be made in conjunction with your health care provider. This is not an attempt to diagnose or treat any disease or illness.
Adapted from the Weight Loss Program “Synergetics” by XXXXXXX Shattler, MS, RDN
Congratulations on your very successful weight loss!
I hope this checklist helps you choose some activities to break your plateau and get your metabolism back up which has been lowered due to the weight loss.
Kathy J. Shattler, MS,RDN
May I suggest something else as well?
Detailed Answer:
Recent studies (2016) have shown high intensity interval training to be the fastest way to weight loss with exercise.
You can ask your trainer about this. It is essentially exercising at high intensity for short duration (increases the leptin hormone and decreases gherlin -hunger hormones), then lower intensity, then increase for 20-40 minutes not including warm up and cool down and do this 3x per week in addition to weight training. It is your muscles that contain the powerhouses of the cell and the more muscle the higher the metabolism.
Figure heart rate out using this new revised formula: 208- age of 20 = maximum heart rate of 188 x .7=132 beats per minute for high intensity workout. Clear all exercise programs with doctor (as I don't know your chart).
High intensity interval training can again be searched for if you do not have a trainer.
Thank you and if I have answered your query satisfactorily please close out and rate. Good luck to you, sir! XXXXXXX Shattler, MS,RDN