Suggest Ways To Manage Gestational Hypertension
gestational hypertension ....daily bp monitoring must
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Thanks for the query to hcm,
Placenta at fundo anterior position at 24 weeks with grade 1 maturity is normal and at a good location without any risks for placenta previa.
As far as the blood pressure is concerned, systolic bp is high.
This qualifies for gestational hypertension. Please get urine proteins done to see if any proteinuria present, if present then you straight away become a case of pre-eclampsia and need to be placed on antihypertensives through out pregnancy.
Eat less salt, drink more water, Avoid oily and spicy fast foods, practice balanced diet, regular daily bp monitoring.
Watch for swelling in feet , face and generalised body swelling. If noticed, report to the physician soon for either increase in drug dosage or likely admission to hospital.
High blood pressure is to be monitored diligently through out pregnancy.
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The best way to keep the weight check is to keep the daily calorie intake under check. it is advisable that YOU should BE PLACED ON A 1800 KILO CALORIE DAILY DIET PLAN.
Also instead of 3 large meals a day , you should divide these 3 meals into 6 small meals 3 hrly. ex...BREAKFST--- consume 2/3rd breakfast at 7am and remaining 1/3rd from the same plate at 11am. LUNCH-- 2/3rd at 1pm and 1/3 at 4pm. DINNER---2/3 at 7pm and remaining 1/3 at 10pm. yOU MAY DRIN 12-15 GLASSES OF WATER DAILY. kEEP THE NIGHTS MEAL FREE.
tHIS practice shall help you keep your weight in check hence.
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thanks you very much.