Suggest Ways To Remove Food Object Stuck In The Throat
Advice below...
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your medical history carefully and understood your concern.
If some food (like small crumbs of tortilla chips) are getting stuck to the back of the throat, especially if stuck at the airways, it is normal not to be able to breath as in your case.
Allergic reaction to any ingredients of food/drinks you consume that is causing loss of breathing are also to consider. So, better look into the labels to know the ingredients.
It was great you could flush your throat with water. Other times, ask someone to apply pressure on your stomach if anything is stuck in your throat. This will make sure the food is getting out.
When eating, try to chew up slowly; avoid laughing, or talking to others or other activities that make you become distracted.
Hope this helps and won't be repeated again.
I had an immediate reaction to the physical presence of the crumbs of the tortilla chips. I have had similar, but less drastic, reaction to other similar materials such as bread crumbs and the skins of almonds.
This past reaction was significantly more severe. As I mentioned above, nothing was lodged in my throat so pushing on my stomach would be of no help.
The constriction of my throat almost completely blocked my airway. The constriction took place in less than 30 seconds from the time the crumbs touched my throat, which, I assume, is faster than a normal allergic reaction. Also, given the variety of stimuli, I doubt that they have a common allergen. Plus, I eat all of these foods on a regular basis with no ill effect
I feel that this is a physical, rapid reaction.
Please reconsider my situation and advise me.
Two main reasons explained below based on your new data provided....
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your clarifications.
Ok, from your new data, I can say as following:
- you might have been distracted when you took the tortilla crumbs provoking lack of breathing when very small crumbs are stuck at the back of your throat
- you might have had already an inflammation of your throat; once you took the small crumbs, they might have irritated the inflamed throat causing difficulty in breathing
These could explain sudden loss of breathing when you ate tortilla crumbs as long as you admit to continuously consume them without having any problem.