Suggest Ways To Rule Out Lyme Disease
Lyme Literate Doctors
Detailed Answer:
Yeah self reading on the internet can lead to horrible and un necessary worrisome conclusions. I suggest you to meet LLMD to clear the last doubt about Neuroborreliosis. The Lyme Literate MD's are far and few. I suggest you to contact website , email them at YYYY@YYYY or call them at 00-0000-000080. Call them between 0000 to 0000 hrs (EST). xxxxxx is the “gatekeeper” for most Lyme docs in the United States. They can provide you or email you the list in XXXXXXX area, Florida.
Yes the appointments are difficult with these MD's. However when you call for an appointment, ask if there are any cancellations or a waiting list. Patients have been able to get in sooner by doing this.
Hope you confusions are clear sooner.