Suggest Ways To Rule Out A Concussion
Concussion and hypothermia
Detailed Answer:
Hi xxxxxxxxxxx, thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern and curiosity. The hypothermia can occur due to severe head injury. Diffuse axonal injury (severe brain injury) can cause hypothermia. As it effects thalamus and hypothalamus.
But concussion does not cause hypothermia. Concussion is a type of mild head injury affecting mainly frontal and temporal lobe. It can cause aggressiveness, anxiety, psychotic symptoms, forgetfulness, but no hypothermia. The thermoregulatory centre is spared by concussion.
So no need to worry about low temperature due to head injury. But as your temperature became 96.5 F, you must discuss it with your family doctor. If there is sever cold outside and you were sleeping. The inactivity in sleep might be the cause of this episode.
If you need any help, do let me know. I will be happy to help you.
Thanks. Take care