Symptoms Are Swollen And Sore Lymph Nodes On Right Side
Probable infection of the skin. You need to see a doctor for further evaluation
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks so much for this query.
This is probably an infection of the skin, commonly referred to as cellulitis. This requires antibiotics for treatment.
Given its location on the face, which is close to the brain and with fever, I will advise you to go to the closest health facility for further review and treatment. Antibiotics are not available over the counter and as such, there is no regimen I would be proposing at this time. Often, it is not ideal to use Ibuprofen either as it may allow for easy spread of the infection. You may take Acetaminophen instead.
I hope these guides and helps.
I wish you well.
Feel free to follow up with me as need be.
Send an image for review!
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for following up.
It is possible. Will like to see what the break out looks like before commenting further. However, fever always requires that we take give it a thorough review.
Waiting to see the image and would comment in greater details after that.