Taken Doxycycline For Chest Infection But Chest Is Still Irritated And Crackly. Coughing Up Yellow Phlegm.
Thanks for posting the query.
I have read the contents of the query. The antibiotic prescribed is according to local guidelines and I believe your doctor would have taken a right decision there. You seem to have chronic cough, with a family history of pulmonary fibrosis. PF may not be important in your case, though it is good to know the final diagnosis.
Since the cough is dry and hindering with your day to day activities. I wish you get an Chest Xray, Blood counts and spirometry to evaluate lung function. Meantime you can XXXXXXX your local GP who can prescribe you strong cough suppressants till the time you XXXXXXX the lung specialist.
Since there are no risk factors of smoking and asthma, it should not be a worrisome scenario and can easily be treated if evaluated early.
Hope this answers your question. Please accept the query if you do not have any follow up.
Dr. Mazumdar.