Taken Monistat For Yeast Infection. Itchy And Swollen Labia On Right Side. Why?
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If you experience persistent itching accompanied by swelling than you have to thinking about recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis or there may be involved another factors. Make a self assessment and check if swelling is accompanied by pain on touching, local tenderness, vulvar asymmetry, burning sensation- to rule out Bartholin’s gland cyst , local abscess. Itching can be also due to irritation from body fluids ( vaginal discharge, urine drops ) , perfumes, soaps, lotions, lubricants ,etc.. associated with tight fitting occlusive clothes. Bacterial vulvovaginitis can cause as well pruritus. Important is to detect the cause and treat or remove. At this stage I would advice you avoidance of sexual intercourse for few days, choose carefully body lotion, soaps, etc.., sitz bath with sodium bicarbonate, topical local corticosteroids ( hydrocortisone ) or triamcinolone locally .Topical medication can be applied to the vulva but not into vagina, oral antihistamines like Loratadine or Benadryl may help.
Hope this helps, if you have additional queries don’t hesitate to ask.
Best Regards,