Brief Answer:
Detailed below.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the query.
The guidelines say that in prevention of
colon cancer colonoscopy should be done every 10 years starting from the age of 50. As a substitution
virtual colonoscopy (CT-colonoscopy) can be done.
MRI with contrast or CT with regular contrast is not enough. It is because intestines are filled with liquid, semi liquids and gas. Intestines can overlap each other and have only a thin wall. This makes MRI and regular CT no accurate enough.
In simple words small colon cancer or large intestine polyp can be invisible for MRI or CT. So making this test is kind of pointless.
Your MRI results says that there is no enlarged lymph nodes or tumors seen. But it does not rule the cancer out. Its because tumor can be invisible for this test.
Lower left
abdominal pain is very often caused by
diverticulitis. This condition is caused by
chronic constipation. Due to constipation, kind of pouches are created in the intestine wall. When such pouch (diverticle) gets inflamed the pain appears.
It is not a good idea to prescribe an antibiotic (especially for a long time) not knowing what is treated (where is the inflammation). Antibiotic kills good intestinal bacteria and allows bad bacteria to grow. This can cause abdominal pain and irregular stools.
In my opinion you should have colonoscopy done. This will give the final answer. Also gynecologyst consult,
transvaginal ultrasound,
breast ultrasound, Ca-125 level should be done. If you do smoke, chest CT is also necessary.
Antibiotic does not seem to be necessary if there is no infection. Please start probiotic supplementation to restore your regular intestine bacteria. You should also consider Rifaximine treatment.
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further questions.
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