Test Showed Alk Phos 141, Alt 57 And Ast 51. Are These Levels High?
These values are slightly above the norm. The normal ALT- 7 to 55U/l, AST 8 to 48 U/l, ALP 45 to 147 U/l (some labs report 115 as the upper limit.)
Different labs may have slightly different normal ranges which are usually written on the lab result form.
Mild elevations of liver enzymes may be due to fatty liver which is common in alot of persons.If this is the cause then the levels may regress with lifestyle changes such as reduction of intake of fat or carbs which are changed by the body into fat and activity, though you already seem active.Other causes include infection, medications.
Because the increase is only minor, your doctor will likely op to just monitor the levels to check for any progression.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions