Thick Semen Ejaculation, Masturbate. Now Having Watery Semen Ejaculation. No Lumps And Swelling. Concern?
What could be the cause? Is watery semen a concern? cancer?
Thank you for writing to us.
Watery or thin semen can be a normal occurrence. Especially in those men who masturbate regularly.
There is a fluid produced prior to ejaculation that is called the pre-ejaculate, which during a more intense stimulation or longer duration of foreplay might be produced in large amounts (i.e. longer the foreplay, more the pre-ejaculate and vice versa), this can result in watery semen and is considered perfectly normal.
There are a few other conditions that could present in the form of watery semen, they are:
-Diet (eg. less protein)
-Less sperm in semen
-Frequent masturbation, i.e. several times a day (testicles do not get enough time to produce enough sperm, thus resulting in watery semen)
-Warm temperature or warm clothing (can result in increased temperature in the testes, resulting in sperm death, and less sperm ejaculated, making semen more watery)
-Infections (rarely)
In my opinion, if you can relate to any one of the above causes, make amends, and if the condition occurs or if you notice any other symptoms, you might have to visit the doctor. But, as of now, it sounds like this is completely normal.
Also, as mentioned above sir, there is no chance of cancer.
If I have succeeded in answering your queries, you could close this discussion and rate the answer. If you have more clarifications, write back and I would be glad to assist you.
Best wishes.