Took Botox Injection For Migraines And Started Having Hair Loss. Could It Be Adrenal Fatigue?
Could i be in adrenal fatigue. Had a 24hour urine test done awaiting results. Should i look into a place that deals with biodentical hormones. Including thyroid and adrenal fatigue.
Thanks for writing in. Hair loss could be due to hormonal or non hormonal causes. Hormonal causes are pretty straihht forward to diagnose and treat and with treatment improvement in hair loss can be expected in a couple of months. Problem arises when no obvious cause if found - in this scenario its most likely multi factorial and non hormonal. Your docs have ruled out thyroid issues and have ordered a urine test - 24 hour urinary free cortisol I suppose to rule ouf adrenal insufficiency. Wait for the reports before you take any hormonal preparations including bioidentical ones. Its wrong to implicate a hormonal cause for hair loss until its proved.Many a times no obvios cause is found and empirical treatment is given. Take supplements to improve hair strenghts like calcium, iron, vitamin d, multi vitamin capsules and topical preparations. See a good dermatologist or a cosmetologist. Dont worry too much - with treatment hair loss should subside.