Took Monistat For Yeast Infection. Noticed Redness And Dryness On Foreskin. Used Cetaphil. Effective Cure?
Thanks for your query.
Based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have infection of a foreskin since 3 weeks and have treated with anti yeast drugs.
Have you ever tested your Blood Sugar to rule out Diabetes? If not get it checked now as it is common in Diabetic individuals.
Take antibiotics like Doxycycline to control the secondary bacterial infection along with anti fungal medicine like Fluconazole twice daily and topical anti fungal gel like Meconazole for local application. .
Get prescription of these drugs from your family physician.
Observe proper personal hygiene by cleaning the area with warm water.
Hope, I have answered your query.
Please feel free to ask if you have any more questions. I shall be happy to help you.
Thanks with Regards,
I am sorry I could not follow your query as you have written in short cuts. Will you kindly write again in full sentences and words, to make me understand and answer them?
Thanks and Regards.
Thank you for reading this
Thanks for posting all the events in detail.
It appears that you have acquired muco cutaneous Genital Candidiasis due to unprotected dry sex.
Please take some anti fungal medication like fluconazole twice daily for 5 days along with topical anti fungal gels like Fluconozole for local application.
Observe proper personal hygiene buy cleaning the foreskin and glans with warm water.
It should be cured in a week.
Thanks and Regards.