Treatment For Fatigue, Irregular Bowel Motions, Lower Back Pain, Nausea And Bloating?
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With the available described details, there could also be possibility of acute viral gastroenteritis with decreased gastrointestinal movement.
Presence of fatigue, muscle ache, bloating, nausea suggests the diagnosis.
Myalgia (muscle ache ) is an integral prodromal symptom of viral infection.
You should consult with XXXXXXX medicine specialist/ gastroenterologist and should go for thorough check up.
You should also go for complete blood count, ultrasound imaging, and serum electrolytes, thyroid profile, blood sugar level.
You should take complete antibiotic therapy, antispasmodics, probiotics, antipyretics, if needed.
You should also take analgesics along with muscle relaxants.
You should maintain your hydration status by taking potassium XXXXXXX liquids.
Frequent loose diarrhea may cause loss of potassium with weakness and fatigue feeling.
Take soft diet along with yogurt and banana.
Avoid milk and all milk related products.
Hope that helps.
Let me know your other query.
Take care,
Dr. Mayank Bhargava