Treatment For Weakness, Tiredness, Headache, Nausea And Light-headed?
I would like to know few things to help you better:
1. Are you running temperature?
2. How long have the symptoms been going?
3. What did Dentist suggested for hole in the tooth?
4. Is your jaw bone hurting at nearly similar place for the problematic tooth inside?
5. Are you currently taking any medications?
6. Have you got any difficulty swallowing things?
It seems that there is strong possibility of infection. In this situation, antibiotics are needed along with pain killers. Choice of antibiotics depend on where the infection is located.
If it is tooth, you would need to see a doctor to get your antibiotics.
In the meantime
1. Take pain killers containing Ibuprofen
2. Try and take plenty of fluids, juices etc to give you energy
3. I hope you have somebody to help you at home.
Waiting for your reply.
Dr Tejas Shah
Hydrocodone can give side effects like nausea and light-headedness. This drug may be the cause of most of your symptoms. I would request to change to different pain-killer like Paracetamol & Ibuprofen and see if you improve.
In addition your BP needs to be checked, as occasionally low blood pressure can also give similar symptoms.
If after changing analgesic medications, things don't settle within 24 hours, I request you to see your family physician and your blood pressure and jaw bone examined.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you need clarifications.
Dr Tejas Shah
You may need some blood investigations or scan of abdomen to get to the bottom of the problem.
Please revert back to discuss further, if there are any further queries.
Dr Tejas Shah