Tried Weed. Had Bulging Eyes, Heart Started Beating Faster, Feeling Bchest Pain And Anxiety. Worrisome
Some of the common side effects of weed are:
Trouble remembering things
Altered time perception
other physical effects include
Dry mouth
Decreased coordination
Increased heart rate
Altered pulmonary status
Altered body temperature
Reduced muscle strength
Decreased cerebral blood flow
Increased food consumption
You can be cured with remedies that are fairly simple. Water or juice is very good in curing dry mouth.
Sugar and fat free foods are also great in fixing that hunger you might encounter when smoking or ingesting marijuana. If there is a problem with headache or nausea, a warm bath would help. Things that should be avoided with smoking marijuana are, drinks that contain caffeine, fatty foods with allot of sugar, and excessive exercise.
Take these measures and relax,you should be alright very soon and make it a point to remain away from this in future.
I hope to have answered your query however you may revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck
Just wait and watch and take plenty of water and shall be alright soon.