Tubes Are Burned. Irregular Periods, Sore Breasts, Back Pain And Abdominal Pain. Pregnancy Test Came Negative
Please perform a blood test for pregnancy.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us.
With a tubal burn, chances of failure are very slim, but, the risk increases as years pass as the tissue heals and there is a possibility of the re-anastomosis or rejoining of the clamped ends.
A home pregnancy test cannot give you any evidence of pregnancy before a missed period as it is less sensitive; instead, you should get your serum beta-hCG levels assessed as this test is very sensitive and specific and also gives you the diagnosis early.
Your symptoms need not be due to pregnancy; they could be pre-menstrual as well as due to some urinary tract infection. I suggest getting a urinalysis and culture test if needed since you spotted blood in urine. Please do get a sonogram-pelvic and trans-vaginal to assess the local situation.
If the pregnancy test reads negative and urinalysis is normal, you could be experiencing some amount of hormonal imbalance and you should see a specialist for further management. Please maintain a healthy body weight as this helps to correct menstrual disturbances many-a-time. In all probability, I feel it should be some urinary infection or hormonal imbalance, but not pregnancy.
Hope I have answered your query. Please contact for more information. I will be happy to help.