Turp Surgery,masturbated 5 Days After Surgery
It is quite human to have a sexual urge, and there is no need to be ashamed or being a human being.
Masturbation as such, will not cause any complications, soon after TURP.
Usually after TURP, it is presence of the catheter, or continued drainage of any blood, might make it difficult to have sex, during the initial weeks after the procedure. Also it is advised to avoid masturbation, so that you may not have any pain or discomfort of any sort.
But if the catheter has been removed, and there has been no bleeding, or drainage of any sort, and you are able to have a erect penis with no pain or discomfort, it should not cause any complications at all.
You should be aware that most patients after a TURP produce no semen at ejaculation. This is due to the removal of the XXXXXXX sphincter muscle during the TURP and is quite normal.
Hope I have answered your query.
I will be available to answer your follow up queries.