Type 1 Diabetic. Noticed Blood In Urine And Having Stomach Pain Under Rib Cage. Any Advise?
Thanks for the query.
Bleeding in urine which is seen by microscope only is called as microscopic hematuria.
Since you have pain in urinnation along with pain abdomen under right rib age suggests the presence of either kidney stones or bladder inflammation.
The other cause of your problem could be kidney damage resulting from long standing diabetes and hypertension called as diabetic nephropathy.
Since you are repeatedly getting drop in blood sugar levels ,it indicates a possibility of diabetic nephropathy resulting in hypoglycaemic attacks.
You require a thorough check up by your doctor which includes
Hemogram,urine culture,24 hour urine protein estimation to look for proteinuria,kidney function tests,Ultrasound abdomen,CT abdomen and possible cystoscopy ,blood sugar fasting and PP etc.
Once the cause is found,a proper treatment can be instituted.
I hope it helps however you may revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck