USG KUB Report Showed Grade One Enlarged Prostate. What Does This Mean?
report says its grade 1 enlargement
what should i do?
Thanks for your query. Based on the USG report that you have posted it appears that you have grade one Enlarged prostate.
Average size of the prostate for your age is18- 20 gms .It is slightly more than average for your age. This could be either due to Benign Enlargement of Prostate, which is uncommon at this age, or due to Prostatitis.
Do you have any urinary symptoms like?
1) Increased Frequency of Micturition (passing urine)
2) Nocturnal frequency
3) Poor Urinary Stream
4) Hesitancy or Urgency
5) Do you have Burning Micturition?
6) Do you have Fever?
Since it is just 24 c.c in size, you should not worry at all.
Get your Routine Urine Test done and Consult qualified Urologist for Digital Rectal Examination to rule out Prostatitis and for further treatment.
Hope I have answered your query. Please feel free to ask if you have any more questions. I shall be happy to help you.
Thanks with Regards.