Ultrasound Scan. What Does The Report Indicate?
Thanks for consulting us.
I am here to guide you.
I have seen this ultrasound report. It is a normal ultrasound scan of your pelvis showing a 20 week size alive fetus. There was nothing of concern mentioned in this scan & you have not asked any particular question about your health. If there is some problem please feel free to write back.
One thing which I thing is missing in this ultrasound is any comment about fetal structure. Which is usually a part of 20 week ultrasound scan.
If you are concerned about the unstable lie of your baby, please relax, it is of no significance at this gestation. Your Obstetrician may request a scan after few months to confirm if fetal presentation has finally settled.
Hope this settles your concerns.
Wish you good health.
What it means.
Thanks for your question.
The report you attached is showing a fundal, anterior, Grade II placenta. This is perfectly normal.
The report you are talking about ( I have not seen that report) is showing a placenta of same maturity in a low lying position.
Although there is a discrepancy in both scans about placental position still you don't have to worry about much. As even if it is low lying there is a high probability that it will move up with time.
So, I suggest you to have a repeat scan at 32 weeks to reconfirm placental localization.
Meanwhile take good care of yourself & don't take tension.
Hope this clears your query. You may write back if you want to discuss this further. I will be there to respond.
If you do not have any follow up question please don't forget to accept my answer & to close this query.
I will appreciate your review about my answer.
Wish you good health.