Urge To Urinate Frequently, Take Enough Water Before Going To Bed. Is That The Cause?
eems like if I get busy and don;t thank about it I don't feel this urge to urinate. When I am sitting around it gets on my mind. I feel great.
Thanks for posting your query.
It is possible that the large amount of water that you are consuming at night is possibly leading to you needing to void urine frequently in the night. There are other factors which could contribute to this:
• Benign prostatic hypertrophy or prostate enlargement: This is common at your age and you would need to be examined by a surgeon to rule out the same.
• Urinary tract infection: This leads to frequency, urgency and pain while urinating. It is common in people with prostatic enlargement. It is unlikely that you are suffering from this. However, a urine routine microscopy can give conclusive proof of the same.
• Anxiety can also contribute to these symptoms
I would suggest the following:
• Try and reduce the amount of water you consume at night. However, do consume atleast 2-3 litres of water in a day.
• Avoid excessive intake of coffee/tea
• Avoid taking alcohol
I would suggest that you get yourself examined by a surgeon so that enlargement of the prostate can be ruled out.
I hope I have answered your query. Please accept my answer if you have no further queries.
Thanks for the follow up.
No, you don't need to fast before you give a sample for PSA testing. You however need to keep the following in mind before giving a sample:
Ejaculation should be avoided for 24 hours before sample collection.
An enlarged prostate gland can be best diagnosed by means of physical examination. The examining physician can then order a prostate specific antigen (PSA) level if required.
I hope I have answered your query. Please accept my answer if you have no further follow up queries.
Wishing you good health.