Urine Test Showed High Esterase, Wbc, Iron And Ferritin Serum Level. Cause For Concern?
Thanks for the query.
You have essentially two issues.
1. White cells in the urine usually indicate a urinary tract infection. The leukocyte esterase test detects esterase, an enzyme released by white blood cells. Positive test results are clinically significant.
The presence of esterase and WBC in urine suggests that you are having urinary tract infection and so you should get a urine culture done to identify the bacteria,so that a proper antibiotic course can be instituted.
2. Your serum iron levels and ferritin levels are slightly high and it may or may not mean anything.
Sometimes ferritin gets elevated during the course of some infection in the body and comes to normal after the infection is over.
Other causes for high ferritin levels could mean
Alcoholic liver disease
Repeated blood transfusions
Problem like hemochromatosis.
You may discuss with your treating doctor about it.
I hope it helps; however you may revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck