Want To Know The Reasons To Have Stone. What Dietary Changes To Follow And Chances Of The Recurrence?
For all my patients with stone disease I usually recommend them to undergo some tests as part of evaluation. the tests are serum calcium; uric acid and 24 hours urine calcium, uric acid and oxalate.
However, there are certain generalized measures that I usually make all my patients follow to prevent stone formation.
1. Drink plenty of fluids; approximately 2 litre every day
2. Salt restricted diet; Whatever salt has been added to food is fine but no top ups.
3. Lemon water twice daily without adding salt
4. High fibre diet
5. Stop cashewnuts, chocolates, berries
6. Milk and milk products intake- 350-500 ml
7. Restricted protein intake; limit the intake of non vegetarian food to only twice a week.
All the above mentioned are generalized measures; however, if you get the test done as mentioned above then may be I can be more specific according to the abnormality if any.
There is no need to undergo endoscopic surgery for 5 mm stone. It should pass off by itself.
Take care.
Rajiv Goel