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Clinical examination and investigations as suggested
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for our query.
Noted the history and understood the concerns.
Most of the times there is no specific reason that can be found but it is necessary to rule out cancer in unilateral breast discharge.
Since the discharge is from one breast only, is spontaneous although without any other symptoms indicates the needs for early clinical evaluation, examination and investigations to know the cause.
Hence I would advise you to consult your Doctor for examination.
To go for investigations like Mammography and Ultrasonography.
FNAC that is fine needle aspiration cytology if there is palpable lump.
Tests of the discharge by sending a spread on slide.
All this will help to know the exact cause and get treated accordingly.
One breast (left) being larger than right is known to occur hence of not much of a clinical significance.
I hope this answers your query and helps you in decision making.
Please give feedback once the clinical evaluation and investigations are done.
With Regards.
Dr T Chandrakant.
History of 10 years is suggestive of a benign cause. So relax at the moment
Detailed Answer:
The list of the causes is long hence to summarize important ones are:
Papillomaa and other benign disease of breast like fibrocystic disease .
Endocrinal causes related to hormone changes with age.
Some medications, OC pills.
Since this is for 10 years the chances are benign.
Being worried is the key to have an early examination and relevant investigations step-by-step.
It is not possible to predict about the diagnosis hence the need of investigations. Surely one point against anything serious is its presence for 10 years. Caners would not last so long.
I hope this answer helps you further.