What Are Monoclonal Antibodies? And Now That We Are Further
This is my opinion. The complete truth is still not known.
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Hello, Thank you for using "Ask a doctor" service.
I understand your concern. Sadly I cannot answer accurately to a lot of those questions because even if doctors are working directly with covid patients, you may know as much as we do.
Monoclonal antibodies is type of protein made in the laboratory that can bind to substances in the body, including cancer cells. There are many kinds of monoclonal antibodies. A monoclonal antibody is made so that it binds to only one substance. Monoclonal antibodies are being used to treat some types of cancer.
The truth about covid? According to me it is a type of viral infection, sometimes harder then influenza, sometimes very light infection. It can stay hidden without symptoms for 1-15 days, and then 3-4 days with fever and specific upper respiratory tract infection symptoms and then gradually either getting better or worse for up to 30 days sometimes. The scary and confusing thing abouts this virus is that is has such a variety of symptoms that you cannot categorize. In different ages, gives a wide spectrum of symptoms that you cannot predict if someone 90 years old will have it without symptoms, or will die from it, or will have consequences for the rest of their life.
It is also very easily contagious and spreading.
With other viruses we expect to have antibodies for 1 year in case of influenza and for all their life in case of chickenpox. With covid has been seen that you may have it very severe and almost not have antibodies for a long time, or you may have not noticed to have had it at all and you have suddenly antibodies. So that is why it is complicated to make a vaccine. That is why we don't know how often we need to take that vaccine in order to be effective or to built effective antibodies.
About masks, I personally think it is not very protective because you get it also from hands in your mouth, or touching face. The mask protects you only from direct particles which go in your mouth, but not from contagious particles that are in everything we touch and that after can reach our nose, eyes or mouth while we are without mask at home.
I hope I have answered your questions.
Let me know if you have other questions or concerns.
Kind regards, Dr. Klarida Papaqako, General and Family physician.
This is my opinion. The complete truth is still not known.
Detailed Answer:
Hello, Thank you for using "Ask a doctor" service.
I understand your concern. Sadly I cannot answer accurately to a lot of those questions because even if doctors are working directly with covid patients, you may know as much as we do.
Monoclonal antibodies is type of protein made in the laboratory that can bind to substances in the body, including cancer cells. There are many kinds of monoclonal antibodies. A monoclonal antibody is made so that it binds to only one substance. Monoclonal antibodies are being used to treat some types of cancer.
The truth about covid? According to me it is a type of viral infection, sometimes harder then influenza, sometimes very light infection. It can stay hidden without symptoms for 1-15 days, and then 3-4 days with fever and specific upper respiratory tract infection symptoms and then gradually either getting better or worse for up to 30 days sometimes. The scary and confusing thing abouts this virus is that is has such a variety of symptoms that you cannot categorize. In different ages, gives a wide spectrum of symptoms that you cannot predict if someone 90 years old will have it without symptoms, or will die from it, or will have consequences for the rest of their life.
It is also very easily contagious and spreading.
With other viruses we expect to have antibodies for 1 year in case of influenza and for all their life in case of chickenpox. With covid has been seen that you may have it very severe and almost not have antibodies for a long time, or you may have not noticed to have had it at all and you have suddenly antibodies. So that is why it is complicated to make a vaccine. That is why we don't know how often we need to take that vaccine in order to be effective or to built effective antibodies.
About masks, I personally think it is not very protective because you get it also from hands in your mouth, or touching face. The mask protects you only from direct particles which go in your mouth, but not from contagious particles that are in everything we touch and that after can reach our nose, eyes or mouth while we are without mask at home.
I hope I have answered your questions.
Let me know if you have other questions or concerns.
Kind regards, Dr. Klarida Papaqako, General and Family physician.
This is what I believe.
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Thank you for the follow up question.
These are my personal opinions, which does not necessary means that they are the truth.
Just like you, I agree with the first 4 of your points. I believe it is not very deadly virus and all these measurements are not really going to serve for anything else but just to make people controllable. It is a very weired siuation, not a typical virus, and a lot of stories circulating that people die from other reasons but it is recorded like dieing from corona. On the other side I know 24 doctors, my colleagues, in ages between 45-65 who have had those symptoms and died from this virus. So it is all a weired situation. I am not sure about your 5th and 6th point. There are a lot of theories who circulate about them. And also I believe that where is something, this is not for nothing. So if those theories circulate, there is some truth in them but I am not sure how much truth.
Let me know if you have other questions or concerns.
Kind regards,
Dr. Papaqako
This is what I believe.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the follow up question.
These are my personal opinions, which does not necessary means that they are the truth.
Just like you, I agree with the first 4 of your points. I believe it is not very deadly virus and all these measurements are not really going to serve for anything else but just to make people controllable. It is a very weired siuation, not a typical virus, and a lot of stories circulating that people die from other reasons but it is recorded like dieing from corona. On the other side I know 24 doctors, my colleagues, in ages between 45-65 who have had those symptoms and died from this virus. So it is all a weired situation. I am not sure about your 5th and 6th point. There are a lot of theories who circulate about them. And also I believe that where is something, this is not for nothing. So if those theories circulate, there is some truth in them but I am not sure how much truth.
Let me know if you have other questions or concerns.
Kind regards,
Dr. Papaqako
The answers to your questions
Detailed Answer:
Hello again,
I will try to answer your questions to my knowledge.
About zinc and vit D there is nothing proven yet that it helps, but looks that people who don't have a vit D deficiency have more mild symptoms sometimes. Even if on the other side covid is causing deaths in XXXXXXX too where everyone has enough vit D.
Hidroxychlorochine seems to work according to a lot of doctors who have been censored afterwards. But I think that they have seen that it is so heavy on people sometimes that the aggressive treatment can be the cause of death.
I don't know how people with Lupus or RA who are already taking hidroxychlorochine have reacted to covid. This is a good question. Never heard about someone reason about that.
I don't know what is hidden about all these scenarios of important people. Some voices connect covid as an effect of the 5G waves, since it started in wuhan where 5G was first implemented fully. Other connect it with a chip/mark that is getting to be injected through the vaccine to control everyone in this world. I guess we will discover soon which is the truth.
Fauci is surely not the best doctor, but he is chosen just to be the voice of the best doctors. I am not sure if he is being that doctor.
Let me know if my answers make sense.
Kind Regards,
Dr. Papaqako
The answers to your questions
Detailed Answer:
Hello again,
I will try to answer your questions to my knowledge.
About zinc and vit D there is nothing proven yet that it helps, but looks that people who don't have a vit D deficiency have more mild symptoms sometimes. Even if on the other side covid is causing deaths in XXXXXXX too where everyone has enough vit D.
Hidroxychlorochine seems to work according to a lot of doctors who have been censored afterwards. But I think that they have seen that it is so heavy on people sometimes that the aggressive treatment can be the cause of death.
I don't know how people with Lupus or RA who are already taking hidroxychlorochine have reacted to covid. This is a good question. Never heard about someone reason about that.
I don't know what is hidden about all these scenarios of important people. Some voices connect covid as an effect of the 5G waves, since it started in wuhan where 5G was first implemented fully. Other connect it with a chip/mark that is getting to be injected through the vaccine to control everyone in this world. I guess we will discover soon which is the truth.
Fauci is surely not the best doctor, but he is chosen just to be the voice of the best doctors. I am not sure if he is being that doctor.
Let me know if my answers make sense.
Kind Regards,
Dr. Papaqako
More information about my thoughts. Let me know what your think
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Thank you for writing to me back again.
It could be a book now if I write all I believe it is happening in the world that I myself struggle to believe. But this should be also the reason to keep doing the best of our life and not lose hope.
I am going to share with you what I believe I know.
In the country where I live they went in lockdown few days ago, forbid to celebrate Christmas through forbiding house visits, and are going to circulate drones who detect human heat to check inside houses where can enter and fine people if they didn't obey that new law. Ultimate contol according to me, scary and no privacy anymore.
I don't know if you have a believe, and I Don't want absolutely to force mine into you, but I'm going again to share mine according to your request to knowing my thoughts. - I am myself a Christian and I believe the bible is the word of God and the ultimate truth. I have seen those truths come true in many occasions during my life. Until here, if you have yourself a believe, or if you another belief, you can say "ok, good for you, your business". But what people are posting lately, that is in the bible are two particular verses. Knowing that there is a book in the bible called the revelation where to a person called XXXXXXX it is given the truth about the end times in the world. It says that nobody will know that day when the very end is, but there are some specifiec signs. One is the "mark of the beast" with which everyone which will belong to the devil will be marked. And some days ago I was reading a true definition of the work "mark" which in original Greek, in which the original bible is written" mark means "scratch by a pointy object" which in our context can be a vaccine. I was like wow. Cannot be this obvious. But my medical background cannot accept that. On the other side my husband, a telefone internet engineer says that they kay have discovered a substance, something that if injected to a person to be able to control them and have all possible information about a human if injected in a human body. I was like, noo it is just a vaccine, we have had multiple during our lives. Cannot be.
Yesterday he showed me another verse in Revelation 18:23 which said "And the world was decieved through sorcery" and when someone had checked the original bible and how it was written it was that the word sorcery (people who in that time mixed herbes to heal people or create potions like we know sorcerers nowadays) it is "pharmakeia" (pharmaceutical companies? ) in original Greek. So the verse said "And the word was decieved through pharmakeia". Still another wow, not possible, let me confirm and check what really means in greek. But yea, if someone believes the bible is the truth and there you can find all the information about the end of this world, then that someone needs just to read it and it is just there.
On the other side, my husband works with internet things, knows what 5G is and he says it is the most powerful thing we can have. We can basically charge the phone just by holding it in the air. People in china have now face recognition and can be identified everywhere they go due to 5G implementation. If there is a way to connect 5G and vaccine control substance in our bodies? I don't know. Seems as unbelievable as we thought "a telephone with touch screen" would be. Or a temperature measure just by a click in our fronthead.
Now maybe you are just thinking " This is bullshit" Well believe me, I don't want to believe it too. I hope I am wrong. I hope those verses in the bible have other meaning. But on the other side, if they don't there is very much hope because bible also says that Christians will be spared from the times of the big tribulations before the end of the world. So, I am very curious how all it is going to happen. Trying to make the best of this life and these days and all beautiful we can find it it. Especially enjoying our loved ones for as long as we can be together and meet/see each other through real meeting or internet calls.
I hope this all makes sense, and I have answered your questions.
Dr. Papaqako
More information about my thoughts. Let me know what your think
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for writing to me back again.
It could be a book now if I write all I believe it is happening in the world that I myself struggle to believe. But this should be also the reason to keep doing the best of our life and not lose hope.
I am going to share with you what I believe I know.
In the country where I live they went in lockdown few days ago, forbid to celebrate Christmas through forbiding house visits, and are going to circulate drones who detect human heat to check inside houses where can enter and fine people if they didn't obey that new law. Ultimate contol according to me, scary and no privacy anymore.
I don't know if you have a believe, and I Don't want absolutely to force mine into you, but I'm going again to share mine according to your request to knowing my thoughts. - I am myself a Christian and I believe the bible is the word of God and the ultimate truth. I have seen those truths come true in many occasions during my life. Until here, if you have yourself a believe, or if you another belief, you can say "ok, good for you, your business". But what people are posting lately, that is in the bible are two particular verses. Knowing that there is a book in the bible called the revelation where to a person called XXXXXXX it is given the truth about the end times in the world. It says that nobody will know that day when the very end is, but there are some specifiec signs. One is the "mark of the beast" with which everyone which will belong to the devil will be marked. And some days ago I was reading a true definition of the work "mark" which in original Greek, in which the original bible is written" mark means "scratch by a pointy object" which in our context can be a vaccine. I was like wow. Cannot be this obvious. But my medical background cannot accept that. On the other side my husband, a telefone internet engineer says that they kay have discovered a substance, something that if injected to a person to be able to control them and have all possible information about a human if injected in a human body. I was like, noo it is just a vaccine, we have had multiple during our lives. Cannot be.
Yesterday he showed me another verse in Revelation 18:23 which said "And the world was decieved through sorcery" and when someone had checked the original bible and how it was written it was that the word sorcery (people who in that time mixed herbes to heal people or create potions like we know sorcerers nowadays) it is "pharmakeia" (pharmaceutical companies? ) in original Greek. So the verse said "And the word was decieved through pharmakeia". Still another wow, not possible, let me confirm and check what really means in greek. But yea, if someone believes the bible is the truth and there you can find all the information about the end of this world, then that someone needs just to read it and it is just there.
On the other side, my husband works with internet things, knows what 5G is and he says it is the most powerful thing we can have. We can basically charge the phone just by holding it in the air. People in china have now face recognition and can be identified everywhere they go due to 5G implementation. If there is a way to connect 5G and vaccine control substance in our bodies? I don't know. Seems as unbelievable as we thought "a telephone with touch screen" would be. Or a temperature measure just by a click in our fronthead.
Now maybe you are just thinking " This is bullshit" Well believe me, I don't want to believe it too. I hope I am wrong. I hope those verses in the bible have other meaning. But on the other side, if they don't there is very much hope because bible also says that Christians will be spared from the times of the big tribulations before the end of the world. So, I am very curious how all it is going to happen. Trying to make the best of this life and these days and all beautiful we can find it it. Especially enjoying our loved ones for as long as we can be together and meet/see each other through real meeting or internet calls.
I hope this all makes sense, and I have answered your questions.
Dr. Papaqako
It can be.
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Yes, according to the bible, the harvest is the end of times, when Jesus will come to take the people who follow him and leave the rest. But people have said it will be the harvest long time ago and we are here. Looks like that but only God knows.
Kind regards,
Dr. Papaqako
It can be.
Detailed Answer:
Yes, according to the bible, the harvest is the end of times, when Jesus will come to take the people who follow him and leave the rest. But people have said it will be the harvest long time ago and we are here. Looks like that but only God knows.
Kind regards,
Dr. Papaqako
Merry Christmas and a happy new year
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Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and your family too.
Thank you for the compliments.
Yes, the whole world is changing. The best countries and most successful were the ones who were founded on biblical bases, but now every society is gradually losing those values. People call it freedom- freedom to have same sex marriages, freedom to decide myself my gender and sexual orientation, freedom to dress and do what I want. But gradually that type of "freedom" has lead us to other levels of spiritual slavery.
There are so far no proven studies of covid statistics related to different blood groupes. Of course circulate a lot of voices but nothing is proven. Same like- countries who have done antituberculosis vaccine do not get covid or vit D helps heal the disease, ect.
Dr. Papaqako
Merry Christmas and a happy new year
Detailed Answer:
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and your family too.
Thank you for the compliments.
Yes, the whole world is changing. The best countries and most successful were the ones who were founded on biblical bases, but now every society is gradually losing those values. People call it freedom- freedom to have same sex marriages, freedom to decide myself my gender and sexual orientation, freedom to dress and do what I want. But gradually that type of "freedom" has lead us to other levels of spiritual slavery.
There are so far no proven studies of covid statistics related to different blood groupes. Of course circulate a lot of voices but nothing is proven. Same like- countries who have done antituberculosis vaccine do not get covid or vit D helps heal the disease, ect.
Dr. Papaqako